was lynette really pregnant in desperate housewives

Back at the hospital, Gaby visits Lynette and they make up. [14] Tom and Lynette married in 1997[20] and moved to Wisteria Lane the following year. She then tells him that even if Porter is a murderer, they'll protect him. However, she later discovers that Preston and Porter set the fire. At the police station, after Preston is released, she overhears that Barbara was found dead too. Things happen exactly as predicted, and when Tom fails to say something, Lynette tells Dennis off, saying that if he is unhappy about his marriage he should do something about it. ("A Spark. This attempt fails, so Lynette tries to give the boys the medication. On the way, she recalls the time that Edie helped her during chemotherapy. When she finds her, she reunites her with her ex, Glen, and she decides they'd be better off living together. She follows him to a house where he enters and is served wine by a woman. When an out-of-work Tom follows his lifelong dream to open a pizzeria, Lynette attempts to support him. ("A Weekend in the Country") When Parker wants to quit his baseball team, Lynette goes to extremes to prevent him from leaving, as she does not want quitters in her family. The second housewife (after Gabrielle), to suffer a miscarriage. The well-dressed, ever-glamorous Gabrielle (Gaby) Solis (played by Eva Longoria) led an incredibly fascinating life on Desperate Housewives - and was paired with some equally fascinating love interests with hidden details. Lynette lies and says she doesn't know. pubblicitaria. This leads Lynette to have a talk with the boss' wife, Janie Peterson, and tells her how Tom will be missing so much of his children's lives now. ("Coming Home"), When Gabrielle gives Tom a sympathy kiss at a party, Lynette is unhappy. ("I Know Things Now"), Lynette follows Tom when he leaves for Atlantic City. When Lynette later finds Warren beating Anne severely, Warren jeeringly dares the women to phone the police, because Anne is guilty of statutory rape. A riot breaks out and Lynette blames Paul for everything, but he just judges her for thinking her neighbors are better than ex-cons. Lynette uses the webcam idea to communicate with Parker while he's at school. Traumatized, Lynette wonders what her life would have been like if her baby (Patrick) had survived. She hatches a plan to make Tom think Carlos is selfish, but it backfires. ("Careful the Things You Say") Gabrielle and Carlos eventually discover that Lynette is pregnant, so to avoid a lawsuit, Carlos tells Lynette she either runs the branch in Florida or quits her job. She was mostly known for being super controlling, with a tendency to slightly berate people she holds dear to her heart, Lynette is portrayed as the neurotic, stressed and controlling housewife and mother, and is considered the "smart" one of the group. Then she takes back the Tiffany lamp. Lynette hesitates to help Jane, but ultimately comes to her aid and saves her. The two talk for a while and Lynette confesses that when she thought Tom had left, she felt relieved, leading the pair to finally decide to separate. Once inside, Parker finds a basement full of toys, but Lynette also finds numerous photos of half naked boys on the wall. [12] Other actresses who claim to have auditioned for the show include Alex Kingston, who was apparently turned down for being too curvy. She tells Susan she's considering terminating her pregnancy, but Susan persuades her not to. Lynette Scavo Felicity Huffman's Desperate Housewives character is definitely nicer and more watchable than Edie, whose schemes get frustrating after a while. Lynette reluctantly agrees to, counting on her children's ADD medication to help her make ends meet. Lynette struggles to cope with her four children until Preston and Porter are prescribed medication for ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). Things get worse, and after coming home from a long day at work, Lynette is forced to clean some of the house, much to Tom's disapproval. Ironically, Cross is the only one of the four leading actresses to get pregnant when the show was filming. However, Nina fires Stu. When she goes to confront Tom, she finds him unconscious with a ruptured disc that needs surgery. Lynette learns Nora wants Tom back and warns her to keep her distance. ("I'm Still Here") When Frank demands a family photo, he dies unexpectedly. However, Tom re-hires him, saying his looks will be good for business. However, Lynette becomes too tired, upsetting Tom as she's the only thing he's passionate about and he has no idea what to do with his life. As Mike and Susan in Desperate Housewives James Denton and Teri Hatcher were a favorite TV couple and now they are delighting their fans by . ("Women and Death") Tom and Lynette meet their neighbors. It will not defeat me. Bien dcide vaincre la maladie, elle se rend au spectacle organis par la Barcliff Academy, dans lequel joue Parker. Who gets pregnant in Desperate Housewives? Eddie asks Lynette to do it for him. The other mothers timidly agree, however now Lynette is swamped by Maisy's demanding expectations for the costumes; if she does not want her boys to be taken out of the play, the costumes have to be perfect. She confronts Tom and he tries to apologize for Jane's behavior, but Lynette ignores this, asking if he really wanted to end their marriage as he'd already signed them. [2] She also beat her children and had cancer, when Lynette was 13 years old. ("Now I Know, Don't Be Scared"), Even though her cancer has gone, Lynette's mother decides to stay for a while, but she becomes a nuisance. Warren locks the doors, and when Dave Williams sets fire to the club, it causes a panic. [30], Screen Rant ranked Lynette as the 7th best Desperate Housewives character, writing that she was "definitely nicer and more watchable than Edie" and not "always the most sympathetic character".[31]. Lynette pays Anne to leave town without Warren, and asks to be notified when the baby is born. During sex things become aggressive and Lynette reveals that she fired Rick because he admitted having feelings for her. Lynette Lindquist[14] was the eldest of three daughters[2] born to Stella and her husband, Mr. Lindquist. Stella tells Lynette that she is moving in to help with the family while Lynette fights cancer. However, an elderly neighbour, Karen McCluskey, claims it's hers, and proves it by showing a price tag on it. In the finale, Julie gives birth to Porter's daughter, who is Scavo's granddaughter. she starts being really horrid to lynette and almost gets her arrested. Bree tells Lynette about Gaby's affair with John, shocking her. Ed Ferrara, the boss, is the seemingly cool guy but his faults lead to Tom getting fired after working with her at the agency for a while. When he comments on her parenting skills, Lynette yells at him and tells him how hard it is to have four children. She didn't have the time. Elle est donc contrainte de porter une perruque. Lynette later asks Porter to tell the truth so she can help him. Lynette apologizes and promises to visit more. ("Not While I'm Around"), When Lynette is ready to go back to work, she pretends to still be in pain to get more time off so she can attend a street fair with Tom's boss. ("Pilot"), When Lynette takes her children with her for a car journey, her three sons misbehave continuously, even when their mother asks them to stop. Tom confronts Lynette and informs her that he wanted to tell her about Renee, but there was never a good time for it because he did not want to ruin the wonderful life they have together. ("Marry Me a Little") Preston decides he wants to go backpacking around Europe, but Lynette disagrees with the idea, so she get Tom to take him to a college campus. ("Welcome to Kanagawa"), Lynette decides to embrace religion so she attends Bree's church. She was touched when she realizes that he remembered her stating she liked white picket fences on their first date. Lynette thinks he's making a mistake because Carlos wouldn't be so loyal if the roles were switched. McCluskey (Kathryn Joosten): She was the real heart of the finale. The plan goes amazingly at first, but then it suddenly goes up in flames and she is discovered. When they see Dr. Graham give a terrible performance in a play, they can no longer take her seriously so stop seeing her. When they return late, Tom disciplines the twins to prove he cares, pleasing Lynette. Assuming he's talking about Porter, she apologizes and insists that he doesn't listen to them, however, Tom stops her and explains that it's Preston who was arrested. Lynette is devastated by the news. When Tom finds out about what Lynette has done, he quit his job, and in the season finale informs her that she will be going back to work. Whilst reading to her sons, they demand that Claire read the book because she is better at it; this saddens Lynette even more. Lynette est en pleine chimiothrapie et devient chauve. ("Women and Death") After this, with help from Penny, Lynette creates a plan to get her Tom alone so they can reconcile. She and her mother, Nora Huntington, use the back child support from Tom to move to Fairview so Kayla can get to know her father, stepmother, and half-siblings. Lynette tries to convince her daughter that spending time with her father is important. They go shopping, but Kayla acts unreasonably. . However, he soon agrees that parents need to get things for themselves sometimes. He then reveals that everyone in the neighborhood knows that she and Tom belong together. She used to see herself as a career woman. The two then head upstairs, so Lynette believe's he's having an affair. Susan eventually reveals that she feels the nanny job is beneath her, and is shamed to be the poor person in her group of friends. Lynette reluctantly does the right thing and calls the paramedics and then rides along to the hospital with her. She doesn't take it well, and is of course upset but keeps it quiet and instead begins a series of pranks against Tom as payback. Tom is furious at her and tells her to leave before he says something he might regret. After remembering these events, Lynette announces to Karen McCluskey that she doesn't think Tom and Jane's relationship will last much longer, as she has a plan. However, when a plane crashes on the lane, Lynette risks her own life to save Celia Solis. Ed agrees, so Lynette looks for parents that would be willing to bring their children. Lynette lleg a sentirse desilusionada y resentida con Tom por haber dejado su carrera por la crianza de sus hijos. At the wedding, Lynette tries to deter her mother from marrying him, but she gives in when Stella explains she's also lonely. In the finale, Lynette starts feeling ill and fears her cancer is active, although she is pregnant with another set of twins. However, Lynette finds Bree's empty wine glasses, so she makes it apparent to Bree that she has a problem. When at work one day, Lynette sees co-worker, Stu Durber, using a webcam. ("Finishing the Hat"), Lynette and Tom Scavo left the lane four weeks later. However, when Gregg decides to send Tom to India for a year, Lynette realizes things have gone too far. Lynette isn't happy because Tom becomes a demanding child around his mother, and the kids pick up on this behavior. She causes Lynette many problems and stresses her out with work. Lynette is on board at first, as she thinks it would cause them to break up, but when Preston tells her he wants to drop out of college, she's horrified. Kayla takes revenge by burning herself with a curling iron and blaming Lynette, who is arrested. She goes to a gym class with Renee to spy on the trainer she believes Tom is seeing, but realizes he is actually dating the woman's mother, Jane, leaving Lynette devastated.

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