civil war unit nicknames

Bruen's (Edward) Independent Company of Infantry, part of 169th Infantry Infantry[ edit] New York Monument at Gettysburg 34th NY Infantry Monument at Antietam 42nd NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg 59th NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg 64th NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg 68th NY Infantry Monument at Gettysburg Plaque for 83rd NY Volunteers Washington Guards; 120th Infantry Militia, 55th Regiment, part; 55th Infantry The division was briefly called up during the Berlin Crisis in 1961. Scott's Life Guard, 2d Regiment; 38th Infantry W Whitehall Light Guards; reorganized as Co. G, 22d Infantry Morgan Cavalry; part 10th Cavalry Ira Harris Guard, 1st; 5th Cavalry Rebel general William Extra Billy Smith, owner of an antebellum mail coach business, reportedly had a knack for obtaining additional government payments for his postal routes. Lyons Regiment; 98th Infantry, McChesney's (Waters W.) Zouaves; 10th Infantry Ithaca Volunteers; Co. A, 32d Regiment, Jackson Artillery; part, 5th Artillery German Legion; Enfants Perdus (part) The all-Western brigade, composed of Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana troops, earned their famous nickname, while under the command of Brig. Cattaraugus Regiment, 1st; 64th Infantry Flushing Light Artillery; Battery L (old), 2d Artillery, later 34th Battery The system contains names and other basic information from 6.3 million soldier records in the National Archives. Hanker: To have a strong, often restless desire, in this case foryou guessed ithistory! McClellan Cavalry; 20th Cavalry Pennsylvania Volunteers Cavalry Regiment, W. H. Boyd's Co.; Co. C, 1st Cavalry Herkimer Regiment; 121st Infantry Corcoran Guard; 164th Infantry 3. Year 1970. General Thomas received the nicknameRock of Chickamauga due to his ability to endure theonslaughtwhich the Confederacy unleashed at the Battle of Chickamauga. The blank space is already there in the regiments.dat file. Jackson Horse Guard; Co. A, 1st Militia Cavalry The brigade would fight in the bloody Overland campaign of 1864, and would take part in the siege of Petersburg for the rest of the war. United States Vanguard; part 59th Infantry Metropolitan Guard, 5th Regiment; 174th Infantry D'Epineuil Zouaves; 53d Infantry Dickel's Mounted Rifles; 4th Cavalry Readanother post on More Civil War Nicknames, The Confusing Confederate Service of Randolph McCoy. Cortland County Regiments; 185th Infantry 9th Indiana: "Swamp Devils" and later called the "Grey Eagle" Regiment. Foreign Rifles, 1st; 39th Infantry New York Battalion Ya, while a large collection of Civil War nicknames is indeed interesting, I dont think it would make for an interesting book. Seward Infantry; 19th Infantry Ohio provided the third most troops, only behind New York and Pennsylvania, and led the Union in troops per capita. Delaware Battery; 8th Battery However, the brigade that succeeded it, which included the survivors of the Iron Brigade, was commanded by: Col. William W. Robinson (of the 7th Wisconsin): July 1, 1863 March 25, 1864 Ticonderoga Cavalry Company; Co. E (new), 2d Cavalry Then again at the Battle Of Antietam, September 17th, 1862. The Iron Brigade was not heavily engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, besides for some minor actions by the 24th Michigan. Irish Brigade; Cos. G, H and I, 105th Infantry Union Major General W.T. Not that the nickname Father Abraham in and of itself is interesting, but the meaning behind it. Nyack Volunteers; part 17th Infantry, Ogdensburgh Regiment; 60th Infantry Improvements to 1914-scenario, bunch of new stuff and improvements for 1936-scenario, new events, visuals and much, much more. The Iron Brigade initially consisted of the 2nd, 6th, and 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiments, the 19th Indiana, Battery B of the 4th U.S. Light Artillery, and was later joined by the 24th Michigan. O.) Waiting behind a stone fence, Wyman White, one of the U.S. sharpshooters later recalled: "They came yelling and firing and struggling . This unit was the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, I Corps, also known as Merideth's Brigade. Try something original, rather than derivative. Saint Lawrence County Regiment, 4th; 142d Infantry Colored Troops 35th Regiment Infantry U.S. New York or United States Cavalry, 7th Regiment; 2d Cavalry, Harris Light Dodge's Mounted Rifles; 1st Mounted Rifles Gen. Rufus King: September 28, 1861 May 7, 1862 Where the brigade would be heavily engaged in the Cornfield. Buffalo Regiment, 2d; 49th Infantry Havelock Battery; 11th Battery Jefferson County Regiment; 35th Infantry Similar to Jackson, Union general George H. Thomas stance at Chickamauga resulted in his being named The Rock of Chickamauga, while Confederate Edward Allegheny Johnson received his name while defending the mountains of western Virginia early in the war. Union Rifles; part of 51st Infantry Nicknamed Dirty First, the 31 st fought hard in these Civil War battles: Battle of Belmont Battle of Fort Donelson Battle of Champion Hill Battle of Big Black River Siege of Vicksburg Battle of Kennesaw Mountain Battle of Atlanta Battle of Jonesboro March to the Sea #11: Alabama 26 th Infantry Regiment - Confederate Washington Grays, 1st Troop; Co. L, 1st Engineers, later 4th Battery Rochester Race Horses; 140th Infantry Continental Guard, 1st; 48th Infantry Duryee's Zouaves, 1st; 5th Infantry United States Voltigeurs or Rangers, Co. A; Co. D, 51st Infantry I, 194th Infantry United States Volunteers, 1st Regiment Horse Artillery; Cos. B, A and I, 2d Artillery This nickname was not one gained for heroism on the battlefield, but for the proclamation he passed while acting military governor and commander of the city of New Orleans. I would love to write something, at some point, but at the time I have no original ideas. Riflemen; 18th Infantry Union Brigade; 101st Infantry Wheeler's Battery; 13th Independent Artillery New York's Own; Co. Militia, 10th Regiment; 177th Infantry Colored Troops 41st Regiment Infantry U.S. Horatio Seymour's Cavalry, Cos. A and B; Cos. E and F, 13th Cavalry Union Battalion of Zouaves; 6th Infantry (Pictured right). I, 1st Infantry The border states had both Confederate and Union units, and in many of the Confederate states Union forces organized Union units from individuals who swore loyalty to the United States. Carthage Battery; Company H, 2d Artillery United States Guards B. Lyon Company, 1912. Independent Company Infantry; 35th Infantry United States Zouave Cadets, Co. B; Co. A,. New York Light Infantry; Co. G, 15th Engineers In the Voices section of the Fall 2021 issue of The Civil War Monitor we highlighted quotes by Union and Confederate soldiers about nicknames. United States Rifles or Rangers; 58th Infantry Light Guard, 106th Regiment; 12th Militia Geneseo Regiment; 104th (part) Union Regiment; 27th Infantry Cortland Regiment; 157th Infantry Independent Company Infantry; 30th Infantry McClellan Infantry, Co. C; Co. E, 87th Infantry Vinton Rifles; 43d Infantry National Guard Rifles; part 57th Infantry Mechanic Rifles; three companies, 66th Infantry "Jo" Shelby, in the Army of Arkansas and fought in Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's Missouri Expedition, in 1864. The designation "Iron Brigade" is said to have originated during the brigade's action at Turners Gap, during the Battle of South Mountain, a prelude to the Battle of Antietam in September 1862. Billinghurst Battery; 18th Battery 7th Ohio: "Roosters". Corcoran's Brigade or Irish Legion Original 2d Regiment; 4th Regiment and 170th Infantry National Guard Zouaves; Co. A, 10th Infantry New York Cavalry, 7th Regiment; 2d Cavalry The brigade took pride in its designation, "1st Brigade, 1st Division, I Corps", under which it played a prominent role in the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Abraham Lincoln, New York, military, rebellion, secession, artillery, the federal government, battlefield, fire, conflict, secession are some of the common words referred to whenever you will talk about the war's period. List of American Civil War units by state, List of Union Civil War monuments and memorials, List of memorials to the Grand Army of the Republic, Confederate artworks in the United States Capitol, List of Confederate monuments and memorials, Removal of Confederate monuments and memorials. Lindsay Blues; 102d Militia It consisted of: A Hardee black hat: A tall blocked, brimmed black hat, featuring a brass infantry bugle, a red I Corps circle patch and brass numbers/letters of the front to indicate units and companies. Cornwall Company; Company C, 124th Infantry United States Volunteers; part 59th Infantry Vosburgh Chasseurs; 71st Militia, 53d Infantry (new). Stanton Legion; 145th Infantry Sarsfield Rifles; part 59th Infantry Militia, 2d Regiment; 82d Infantry National Volunteers; 127th Infantry Baxter Light Guards; 31st Infantry ultimate general civil war. Barnes' Rifle Battery; 26th Battery The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Manassas, marked the first major land battle of the American Civil War. Battery D, New York Volunteer Artillery; 5th Battery Goshen Company; Company B, 124th Infantry Oneida County Regiment, 5th; 146th Infantry Barney Black Rifles; 54th Infantry Vermont units are listed on pages 73-78. Netherland Legion; part 39th Infantry Andrew Johnson's Cavalry Italian Guard; 12th Militia Hooker replied, "[Brigadier] General Gibbon's brigade of Western men." Mooer's Company; part Co. E, 124th Infantry Buck Tail Brigade Black Hats Stonewall Brigade Laurel Brigade Lightning Brigade Wheat's Tigers Louisiana Tigers Pelican Regiment Buffalo Regiment, Col. Franklin Sidway's; merged in 151st Infantry Cameron Rifle Highlanders (new); 79th Infantry (part) I have found it helpful to name them to keep track of what weapons they have and to help with unit integrity. Bemis Height Regiment; 77th Infantry Irish Brigade, Meagher's, 2d Regiment; 88th Infantry The American Civil War had its share of intriguing characters, many of whom had colorful nicknames to match. Duryea's Zouaves, 2d Battalion; 165th Infantry Infantry: Gibraltar Brigade - having Samuel Carroll lead these steadfast Buckeyes is really satisfying Excelsior Brigade Irish Brigade Mounted Rifles, Dickel's; 4th Cavalry The Iron Brigade, proportionately, suffered the most casualties of any brigade in the Civil War. United States Volunteers; part 57th Infantry Morgan Rifles; 93d Infantry Wiedrich's Battery; Battery I, 1st Light Artillery It was formed with units from the states of Wisconsin and Michigan. Corcoran's Brigade Serrell's Artillery; 4th Battery Scott's Life Guard, 1st Regiment; 4th Infantry The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division was known as the Iron Brigade from its formation in 1917 through World War I, World War II and Vietnam, until some time in the early 2000s when, for reasons that are still unclear, the name was changed to Duke Brigade. Metropolitan Guard, 2d Regiment; 133d Infantry Description. W.) Cavalry Company; Co. C, 3d Cavalry, Militia Bliss Cavalry; 5th Cavalry (part) Clinton Guards; 61st Infantry (8 companies) The governor of Wisconsin, Alexander Randall, had hoped to see the formation of an entirely Wisconsin brigade, but the Army unwittingly frustrated his plans by transferring the 5th Wisconsin from King's brigade and including the Hoosiers instead. Chiquita-17, Snuggles-15, Rose-12, Bud-10, Grace-5 and Joy-3 (blog nicknames) A Little About Me. Fire Brigade; 73d Infantry Metropolitan Guard, 4th Regiment; 173d Infantry Jersey Company; Co. D, 48th Infantry Otsego Regiments; 121st Infantry

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