bad things about oregon state university

Sorry to disappoint you, but your lifes going to suck even more here if you dont drink because there is literallynothing to do outside meeting up at the pub and waking up to a bad decision from the night before. True natives are few. While you are entitled to your own opinion, youre not entitled to your own facts. Bang for the buck. 10. Face it, nature sucks. These people are easy to find when they drop out, as they are often sporting "Oregun" stickers on their enormous vehicles, waving giant American flags, and attending republican rallies ornamented in Oregon State University clothing. GO MOUNTAINEERS!! Thank you so much, Oregon! What restaurants are near Oregon State University? Oregon State University is in Corvallis, Oregon. As to the women here, Im not interested in them, though Ive been hit on by several! I woke up to 50 degree weather and by afternoon it was in the 90s. One thing I don't like is our weird group exam structure. Stay the fuck home. Thats quite a chunk of $$ for a 500K house, ~$45,000 sale tax. Visit the FAFSA website to apply for student aid. I absolutely love this article about Oregon. Will enjoy being here. Jan. 30, 2023. Hey, its a joke! Breaking it down by gender, the average amount of sports aid awarded to men is $19,892 . The testimony of a true Oregonian my friend and hopefully fellow patriotic American. ", "I started OSU as a freshman studying Mechanical Engineering and just never really connected with the material, just just seemed a bit flat and dull to me. Oregon is full of child molesters. The faculty cared about my education, and I never felt bored regarding the material. Even the strippers wear Birkenstocks. They must be retired 18 wheeler drivers,,,nyuk,nyuk,nyuk! And it snows in the desert where the meth zombies live. 541-737-0561. If you come to Oregon and the big quake doesnt kill you, a mountain lion will most likely eat you. I grew up near the coast, he aint talking about there either. Im from OR originally but not Portland area, now in WA but not Seattle area. The thugs are here in droves and shootings in this neighborhood all the time, and this isnt even the worst part of Portland. Native Oregonians dont like you if you plan to move in. The ESOL endorsement coordinator here has a hard time finding placements for student teachers that meet the requirements of the endorsement. Hell, we even play at Oregon State Hospital, where Keasys tome was filmed; we live down the street from there! The median ACT score of an admitted student to Oregon State University (OSU) is This college is especially good for STEM majors. The people are nicer here on average, albiet a lot dumber. Are you interested in journalism and communications? As an Oregonian I have always appreciated living in the PNW, so naturally OSU was a top choice for me when considering schools. I once knew an Oregon girl who killed a grizzly bear with her bare hands. A little background, I have an associates in Horticulture with several certificates in sustainable landscape design, and hydro organic crop production. I have maintained a 3.8 gpa during the majority of my education. There used to be a big sign in downtown Portland that said, Jesus Saves. Now they all worship the Earth. I chalk it up to ignorance on the natives part. Statewide, the median home price for a home is $447,000, with rates higher in larger cities. .I kinda liked Oregon.before it got built-up.along the coastlike Bandon havent gone there in 5-6 years.but.the same Kinda People ran me out of California.the ones with Too Much Money and No Brains.Probably Trump Bumpers.. im sure everyone loves blaming californians for their own screw ups.. seems to be the trend. Anyone with some semblance of an intellect still living in Oregon or Washington is moving to Canada or making plans to. $39,812. The school is big, but it doesn't feel like it. So ya not reliving that again.. not even at 44, or in 6 years from now at 50/51 years of age. Living in microapartments, which are like SROs, but with a higher profit margin? Come to Wayne County, OH if you wanna see lame! Email Financial Aid Email Scholarships Email Degree Partnership Program. For me, anything not near I-5 sucks. On a larger scale, the University itself was a terrific experience and I'm glad I chose it. Weve already established how much camping sucks in the woods, but imagine camping next to homeless heroin junkies. HAHAHA, Please write about your inbred kin folk up here in Washington as well, our bears are coming out of hibernation and are quite partial to them soft shelled Southern Cal tacos! I moved here bout 20 years ago and ended up losing my family and life savings in Josephine County. The four types of crimes we will be analyzing are violence against women, arrests for major crimes, arrests for possession, and disciplinary actions. There are people who do that everywhere. My body was super confused, like I was full but my belly didnt ache. We can factor in the size of the school and look at the incidents per thousand students as well. Oregon hates Portland! Haha, for a satire piece, this is surprisingly accurate. Also, it's always a good idea to tour the school before making any decisions. Didnt have it here before they brought it in. Whether the university is situated in a college town or in the heart of a big city, you will have a much greater opportunity to meet and develop relationships with many different types of people . The jump from high school to college is big. My son-in-laws family has been in the Phoenix area since before Cortez arrived. our community is safe and beautiful but i dont like to advertise that, as we already have plenty of folks here already. Uhhhh yeahthink she missed the point, folks? The old SRO hotels, which used to have rooms from $5 a night and so on in both Portland and Seattle have been torn down, and now yuppies rent rooms about the same size, albeit with pickup camper size private bathrooms for $1500 a month and feel like they are both getting a major bargain and helping the environment. Im still amazed at how many women in the NW look like menon purpose. I am a native Oregonian living in California. Yeah, and the reason I cant go home to the Pacific Northwest is it is seriously Kalifornikated. Oregon State University and its leadership unequivocally and fully dispute Dr. Kuos claim that she was dismissed from her Dean position for being a whistle-blower, Clark said. The environment you . Waiting in line for 30 minutes to get Panda Express. There is no way I could pay these costs. Its called sarcasm, you might want to look it up and learn what it is and also sometimes its used, god forbid, as *humor*! The chart below shows what percentage of Oregon State on-campus crime and safety incidents are in each category. Written November 4, 2020 . These white boys here dont mess around, if a mountain lion doesnt eat you youll most likely get robbed and left for dead by some white gangstas in the hardest suburbs of Oregon. OSU requires applicants Honors College applicants submit six supplemental essays in addition to their application. I bet you didnt know they filmed that here in Salem. The University of Oregon, like any school, has both good and bad aspects that need to be considered during the college decision making process. Taking important midterms or finals really early (7am) or really late (8pm with a 10pm finish) isn't good for your grades, and messes with your sleep schedule for the rest of the term. You forgot the nasty-ass chemical-infested swill they call drinking water left behind by Weyerhauser. Omg this is the funniest post EVER. If you havent read the latest, according to every news source the big one is definitely coming very soon, and 3.97million Oregonians are most likely all going to perish any day now. So no, theyre not that hard. Redmond has roughly 30,000 residents (and growing), and the median cost of buying a home here was around $468,000 as of the end of 2021 more than $240,000 cheaper than Bend, according to data . On the phone youd never guess hes not caucasian. Talk about the most Boring place to live in the world. No self respecting Oregonian carries an umbrella. and some people do kill animals here, but i am not interested in eating at the top of the food chain or carrying a weapon since it is (thankfully) not necessary. The deadline for Fall transfer applications to Oregon State University (OSU) is Im guessing you dontwant to be wet all the time, and youve probably never fished in your life. Most the best places are swarming with people. Honestly, we dont need a pool because in reality Oregon is just a huge swimming pool. Obviously, I hit a nerve since you dont deny anything I wrote, and Im glad I dont live there anymore either. Not my fault that youre incapable of adapting to change. There is to much school violence school shootings pretty much started in our state. Im a native Californian and once got turned around in downtown San Francisco and all the people I asked directions from (about 12), NO ONE SPOKE ENGLISH. Whatever the weather is doing, it can change in no time. The woman tend to like older men even the older ones. Its cold, its bumpy, and instead of sleeping in your warm bed at home youll be sleeping in some creepy forest with creatures lurking in the night. I applied on Common App and the entire application process only took 45 minutes or so. I think the graduate teaching assistants were all very overworked and under paid and teachers should be paid less if they are only there to babysit the GTAs who teach the courses. With its world-renowned STEM programs (in Engineering, Marine Biology, and Agricultural Science, to name a few), many would believe that the humanities programs are lackluster. ? :/. also the people seems too be about as boring as the paint. Tongue and Cheek. Student Activities at Oregon State University (OSU). The expanding campus serves students from Central Oregon, Oregon, the U.S. and around the world. i have lived in Oregon since 1990 sadly most people up here are hateful paranoid anti social an unnappoachable most oregonian Men are drug addicts unregistered sex offenders an most will not even acknowledge your exsistants they are not here to meet new people most ofthem do not like meeting knew people Most Oregonian women are Nasty will not make eye contact with you smile or anything instead all these Fatherless female oregonian animals living up here do is look at you from a distance with adead cold stare of silence you will get that mostly everywhere you go up here like your some kind of sub human rains non stop into the summers an the people up here make the living experience feel like being Locked inside a usa Corrections Facility people across across the usa stay away from here an go somewhere else the whole down town area is filthy as well an jobs are are tuff to come by. Grace Kuo, former dean of OSUs College of Pharmacy, claimed in her lawsuit that the university aided and abetted in retaliation against her when she reported student concerns of discrimination and harassment. The amount of rain. I think that would be illegal in most states, but maybe not Oregon. But for one Oregon State fan living in Norfolk, Virginia, the . I started out on-campus, where I was forced to stay in a dorm for my first year. They especially like to make left hand turns in front of you from the right hand lane. Come visit Reno Nv if you want a good example of just about everything you complained about Oregon. I think Springfield was rated in the top 10 worst Oregon citys to live. Oregon State University (OSU) has fraternities and sororities. RVing is harder in Kansas though. This school is a giant gold-encrusted turd, and has forced me now to spend the next 5-10 years of my life paying for OSU's failure of a football team/coach and repulsing greek life. So hostile and have the cognitive skills of a doorknob. And I can attest to the fact True Oregonians hate transplants. Skiing, snowboarding, snowshoes, or whatever winter sport you desire; Oregon is a beautiful place to make it happen. Looks like there are complainers everywhere. ", "Oregon State University certainly changed my life in so many ways. Had a great time during the visit. Foods such as coffee, onions, garlic and strong spices might change your vaginal odor slightly. Keep reading for 10 things that totally suck at Oregon State University! Gheeeeese! I know what satire is Im not some illiterate Oregon Ducks fan the point of the response, was to correct his spelling of the word, ditz hence the hyphens. address. People move around all the time, why does everyone get their panties in a twist? Do you know how rare it is to come across a true native Californian? All the reason I moved here, is like Im back in Germany only closer to the ocean. So are you saying maybe I have a chance with an oregon girl!!?? I am currently a freshman at Oregon State and I love it here a lot. Last year, 17,500 students applied to Oregon State University (OSU) and 14,631 were admitted. If youre not a fan of patchouli oil, then youll probably be disgusted when you move here, because this nasty stench is everywhere you go. I know what youre thinking, oh this article only applies to the west side of Oregon. Getting a degree from OSU is not the same as going to a code camp, as it is a research and academic university first. Just because we love nature doesnt mean oregon sucks it means its awesome. This just cracks me up and its not far from the truth! The dorms are pretty and the food may be on the worse side but it is still a great place to be, learn, and continue my education. Ever watched an episode of Breaking Bad? Cali has completely wrecked this state. Manage Settings While working through admissions, I was never called, emailed or sent any mail about the process or how things were coming along. If there is any recourse to this false education, I am currently trying to seek our legal assistance, and letting the VA know there is a severe enough deficiency here that they should put OSU on a college list that is predatory towards Veterans. 1701 SW Western Boulevard Corvallis, OR 97331. Website. And Tweekers are everywhere, all states. I could NOT believe how stupid some people are. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Will learn a lot. Im also amused by the container houses. People have been living in shipping containers in China for years, and it is considered a major outrage by government that they havent received real housing instead of shipping containers with a power drop. Its true what and all that Tyler James wrote. Regular decision applicants for Fall 2023 should find out if they have been admitted by March 13.

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