yamnaya culture religion

These findings, as well as an analysis of the females isotopes, indicate that Late Neolithic society was probably patrilocal, according to Nature Communications . Cultivating the soil (using anardor scratch plough), harvesting crops, and tending livestock was probably the main occupation for most people. Religion Science and technology The tutelary deity ofPraenestewasFortuna, whose oracle was renowned.ref, The Roman ritual ofevocatiowas premised on the belief that a town could be made vulnerable to military defeat if the power of its tutelary deity were diverted outside the city, perhaps by the offer of superior cult at Rome. Thanks to the sequencing of the genomes, we are better able to understand prehistoric Europe. Yamnaya Steppe Pontic Caspian Eurasian Switzerland Swiss european Neolithic stone age Genetic Gene Ed My name is Edward Whelan and I graduated with a PhD in history in 2008. According to the Kurgan hypothesis, the Yamnaya and related cultures are the likely candidates for being the mythical Proto-Indo-Europeans. This culture lasted a very long time, until around 3000 BCE. There are 98 Transeurasian languages, including Korean, Japanese, and various Turkic languages in parts of Europe, Anatolia, Central Asia, and Siberia, various Mongolic languages, and various Tungusic languages in Manchuria and Siberia. In the late 3rd millennium BCE, military-oriented stockbreeding societies emerged in Eastern Central Asia (Sayan-Altai and Mongolia). Poltavka culture . An Upper Paleolithic genome shows a direct link with the First Americans by sharing the admixed ancestry that gave rise to all non-Arctic Native Americans. Milk was an important source of nutrition for Yamnaya people, providing them with essential fats and proteins. This fact also tells us that the stream of movement went in both directions. He dies and revives. Paganism 4,000 years old: Moralistic gods after the rise of Statism and often support Statism/Kings: related to Anarchism and Socialism (First Moralistic gods, then the Origin time of Monotheism), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szFjxmY7jQA, https://damienmarieathope.com/2021/04/cory-johnston-mind-of-a-skeptical-leftist/?v=32aec8db952d, Knowledgeable in the range of: 1 million to 5,000/4,000 years ago, 5th4th millennium BCE DnieperDonets culture and East Eurasian lineages (of C haplogroup, like C4a related to Tungusic peoplesofSiberia) in ancient mtDNA from the North Pontic Region. 5800 BCE, the crops spread discontinuously across eastern Asia. (Paleo-Hebrew 3,000 years ago and Torah 2,500 years ago), Judaismis anAbrahamic, its roots as an organized religion in theMiddle Eastduring theBronze Age. The proposed history books telling the history of the Israelites from their conquest of Canaan to their defeat and exile in Babylon. In this sense, cosmogonic myths serve as aphilosophy of life but one expressed and conveyed throughsymbolrather than through systematic reason. The Yamnaya people were a late Copper Age-to-early Bronze Age population that emerged as a distinct ethnic identity between 3,000 and 2,600 BC. The Kets are thought to be the only survivors of an ancient, The population of the Botai culture were connected to the earliest evidence for horse husbandry. People of the Yamnaya culture are believed to have had mostly brown eye color, light to intermediate skin, and brown hair color, with some variation. , the migration becomes even clearer: People buried in kurgans on the Hungarian Plain derived most or all of their ancestry from people who had lived on the steppe a few centuries (at most) before. For the core Indo-European level, an even more extensive set of terms can be identified. Five Yamnaya, two later-era, and possibly two earlier-era individuals qualify as "highly probable riders." "The rather high prevalence of these traits in the skeleton record, especially with respect to the overall limited completeness, show that these people were horse riding regularly," Trautmann says. Other languages of the family are spoken in theHimalayas, theSoutheast Asian Massif, and the eastern edge of theTibetan Plateau. 40,000-35,000 years ago first seeming use of a Totem ancestor, animal, and possible pre-goddess worship? In someCanaaniteandUgariticsources, l played a role as father of the gods, of creation, or both. Aurignacian Period female Venus carvings start at 35,000 years ago, then Transfer on to Other Cultures? Artifacts, genes, and even a reconstructed language - Proto-Indo-European - all seem to match up. This mixing appears to have happened on the easternPonticCaspian steppestarting around 5,000 BCE. Women were the focus of religion, from at least around 35,000 years ago, until 2,000 years ago? The Ancient North Eurasians (ANE) samples (Afontova Gora 3, Malta 1, and Yana-RHS) show evidence for minor gene flow from an East Asian-related group (simplified by the Amis, Han, or Tianyuan) but no evidence for ANE-related geneflow into East Asians (Amis, Han, Tianyuan), except the Ainu, of North Japan.ref, The ANE lineage is defined by association with the MA-1, or Malta boy, remains of 24,000 years ago in central Siberia Malta-Buret culture 24,000-15,000 years ago basal to modern-day Europeans. This was a world of mobile herders who took their cattle and sheep from place to place, using horses to do so. Among the Neolithic samples, haplogroup N1 made up two thirds of the samples from theHongshan culture(4700-2900 BCE) and all the samples from the Xiaoheyan culture (3000-2200 BCE), hinting that N1 people played a major role in the diffusion of the Neolithic lifestyle around Northeast China, and probably also to Mongolia and Siberia. ref, Ye Zhang et al. Some deities, like the weather god *Perkunos or the herding-god *Phusn, are only attested in a limited number of traditions Western (European) and Graeco-Aryan, respectively and could therefore represent late additions that did not spread throughout the various Indo-European dialects. ref, Some myths are also securely dated to Proto-Indo-European times, since they feature both linguistic and thematic evidence of an inherited motif: a story portraying a mythical figure associated with thunder and slaying a multi-headed serpent to release torrents of water that had previously been pent up; a creation myth involving two brothers, one of whom sacrifices the other in order to create the world; and probably the belief that the Otherworld was guarded by a watchdog and could only be reached by crossing a river. ref, Various schools of thought exist regarding possible interpretations of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European mythology. Enormous amounts of horse bones were found in and around the Botai settlements, suggesting that the Botai people kept horses or even domesticated them. The resulting picture is one that is far less problematic to the Steppe Hypothesis than has been previously suggested. The carrier slung the pots over the shoulder or onto an animal. , who defended theories of animistic origins of ancestor worship, . The AB lineage diverged from the Ancestral Native American (ANA) lineage about 20,000 years ago.ref, West Siberian Hunter-Gatherer(WSHG) are a specific archaeogenetic lineage, first reported in a genetic study published inSciencein September 2019. The Bug-Dniester culture had ceramics about 6200 BCE and began to adopt animal domestication & agriculture from Cri people. ref, ref, A northern group of pioneers formed the Cri/Krs Culture and occupied northern Balkans and Carpathians 5800-5300 BCE. Your email address will not be published. The main mythologies used in comparative reconstruction are Indo-Iranian, Baltic, Roman, and Norse, often supported with evidence from the Celtic, Greek, Slavic, Hittite, Armenian, Illyrian, and Albanian traditions as well. My hypothesis is expressed with an explanation of the building of a theatrical house (modern religions development). We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. Yamnaya households were small, consisting of only two or three families. The later stages of the Samara culture are contemporaneous[2] with its successor culture in the region, the early Khvalynsk culture (47003800 BCE),[5][note 1] while the archaeological findings seem related to those of the Dniepr-Donets II culture[2] (5200/50004400/4200 BCE).[6]. Weapons in the graves of children are common later. The Steppe theory was first formulated byOtto Schrader(1883) andV. Gordon Childe(1926),then systematized in the 1950s byMarija Gimbutas, who used the term to group various prehistoric cultures, including theYamnaya(or Pit Grave) culture and its predecessors. Who Destroyed the Great Library of Alexandria? Animal protector deities from old totems/spirit animal beliefs come first to me, 13,000/12,000 years ago, then women as deities 11,000/10,000 years ago, then male gods around 7,000/8,000 years ago. Sacred Bulls, the Moon, and Fertility begins at least around 35,000 years ago? They are commonly, although not always, consideredcosmogonicalmyths that is, they describe the ordering of thecosmosfrom a state ofchaosor amorphousness.ref, Creation myths often share a number of features. For the oldest stratum, Indo-Anatolian, the lexical evidence for cereal use is relatively modest, but not zero: we must at least admit the cereal term *(H)ieu(H) and perhaps *h(e)rsd-. Around 2,600 years ago, Ajita Kesakambali, ancient Indian philosopher, who is the first known proponent of Indian materialism. A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire. Some have seen the beginning of the horse sacrifice in these remains, but this interpretation has not been more definitely substantiated. Atutelary(alsotutelar) The Greeks also thought deities guarded specific places: for instance,Athenawas the patron goddess of the city ofAthens. For example,Martin LuthersTischredenhave numerous quite serious references to dealing withkobolds. It was a little over a decade ago that the evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev successfully applied innovative DNA analysis and decoding technology to unlock genetic secrets from the past. Our side the Left is more often on the fact side, the other side the Right is a cesspool of mythology, propaganda, cult, conspiracy theories, and anti-intellectualism generally, or at least it seems as so many are out and proud of such foolishness. The similarity to nearby modern populations and the low levels of additional genetic material in the Ulchi imply a high level of genetic continuity in this region during the Holocene, a pattern that markedly contrasts with that reported for Europe. ref, The East Asian admixture combines Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Yamnaya people were also skilled warriors. Changes were initiated including unambiguous evidence of horse riding (prehistoric cavalry) and the introduction of metal weapons such as shafthole axes and spearheads. Milk was so important to Yamnaya culture that it is thought to have played a role in the rise of the Yamnaya. These are: ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref, ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref,ref, Formation of the Eurasian steppe belt of stockbreeding cultures, The Eurasian steppe belt is a region peculiar for its nomadic and semi-nomadic stockbreeding cultures. Cereal remains, cutting tools and a plowshare alleged to be found in Yamnaya contexts. We know that the Indo-Europeans sacrificed both animals and people, like many other cultures. So far, integrated comparative analyses of words and tools for textile production are completely lacking for the Northeast Asian Neolithic and Bronze Age. A Yamnaya skeleton from a grave in the Russian steppe, which was the homeland of men who migrated to Europe. All of that seems to match the Yamnaya both on the steppe and in their new home in the Hungarian Plain. 27,000 to 25,000 Years ago Oldest Shaman was Female, Buried with the Oldest Portrait Carving, Could a Gravettian carving around 25,000 years old relate to Later Goddess and the Bull cults like Catal Huyuk, Gravettian burial of Caviglione Woman, (shaman?) Creation myths address questions deeply meaningful to the society that shares them, revealing their centralworldviewand the framework for the self-identity of the culture and individual in a universal context. This language familys beginnings were traced to Neolithic millet farmers in the Liao River valley, an area encompassing parts of the Chinese provinces of Liaoning and Jilin and the region of Inner Mongolia. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Other carved bone figurines and pendants were found in the graves. Material culture - what archaeologists pull out of the ground - isnt the most straightforward guide to understanding how people in the distant past migrated. In reality, this distinction is somewhat academic, since totemism may be regarded as a particularized manifestation of animism, and something of a synthesis of the two positions was attempted bySigmund Freud. This series idea was addressed in,Anarchist Teaching as Free Public Education or Free Education in the Public:VIDEO, Our 12 video series:Organized Oppression:MesopotamianState Force and the Politics of power (9,000-4,000 years ago), is adaptedfrom:The Complete and Concise History of the Sumerians and Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia (7000-2000 BC):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szFjxmY7jQAby History with Cy, Show #1: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid), Show #2: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power(Eridu: First City of Power), Show #3: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Uruk and the First Cities), Show #4: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (First Kings), Show #5: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Early Dynastic Period), Show #6: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power(King Lugalzagesi and the First Empire), Show #7: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Sargon and Akkadian Rule), Show #8: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Naram-Sin, Post-Akkadian Rule, and the Gutians), Show #9: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Gudea of Lagash and Utu-hegal), Show #10: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Third Dynasty of Ur / Neo-Sumerian Empire), Show #11: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Amorites, Elamites, and the End of an Era), Show #12: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Aftermath and Legacy of Sumer), The Atheist-Humanist-Leftist Revolutionaries. Owing to the historical distance of Yamnaya culture, and reliance on archaeological findings, debate continues as to its origin. This admixture was brought to Europe by Mongoloid people via Siberia. North SiberianY-haplogroup Q1a(which is also the main paternal lineage of Amerindians) was also found in the Proto-Indo-European Khvalynsk culture in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, the precursor of the Yamna culture. This ancestry is often referred to as Yamnaya ancestry or Steppe ancestry.ref, Late Upper Paeolithic Lake Baikal UstKyakhta-3 (UKY) 14,050-13,770 BP were mixture of 30% ANE ancestry and 70% East Asian ancestry.ref, Lake Baikal Holocene Baikal Eneolithic (Baikal_EN) and Baikal Early Bronze Age (Baikal_EBA) derived 6.4% to 20.1% ancestry from ANE, while rest of their ancestry was derived from East Asians. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Devascan also be seen as tutelary. We dont really why these migrants moved hundreds of miles from their ancestral grasslands into the heart of Europe. km. Pottery consists mainly of egg-shaped beakers with pronounced rims. Lord Guanis the patron of military personnel and police, whileMazuis the patron of fishermen and sailors. Many books and videos show depictions of vast work forces hewing blocks of stone in the hot desert sun and carefully setting them into place. They originated in Manchuria and carried. While in popular usage the termmythoften refers to false or fanciful stories, members of cultures often ascribe varying degrees of truth to their creation myths. Another form of personal tutelary spirit is thefamiliar spiritof European folklore.ref, Atutelary(alsotutelar) inKorean shamanism,jangseungandsotdaewere placed at the edge of villages to frighten off demons. Volume I: The Ancient Eurasian World and the Celestial Pivot: https://www.academia.edu/11382971/In_and_Outside_the_Square_The_Sky_and_the_Power_of_Belief_in_Ancient_China_and_the_World_c_4_500_BC_AD_220_Volume_I_The_Ancient_Eurasian_World_and_the_Celestial_Pivot?email_work_card=title, Kurgan Copper Revolution: https://www.academia.edu/14001057/Kurgan_Copper_Revolution?email_work_card=title, Dynasty 0 Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Ancient Egyptian History, Egyptian Predynastic chronology: https://www.academia.edu/31304670/Dynasty_0?email_work_card=title, Absolute chronology of the settlement of the Eastern Linear Pottery culture at Moravany: https://www.academia.edu/24741906/Absolute_chronology_of_the_settlement_of_the_Eastern_Linear_Pottery_culture_at_Moravany?email_work_card=title, Cha Si 48 Pages 2 FilesEgyptology, Mesopotamian Archaeology, Mesopotamia History, Chalcolithic Archaeology, Kurgans, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Uruk Expansion, Uruk Period, Predynastic Egypt, The Narmer Palette, Predynastic Naqada, Eridu. From there, further linguistic divergence led to the evolution of their current descendants, the modern Indo-European languages. There is little evidence of agriculture or domesticated animals in Siberia during the Neolithic, but pottery was widely used. These results were then cross-referenced with 399 published ancient genomes from the same period from Central and Western Europe as well as Neolithic individuals from Anatolia and the Pontic steppe, the researchers wrote in Nature Communications . Today, Kets are the descendants of fishermen and hunter tribes of the Yeniseitaiga, who adopted some of the cultural ways of those original Ket-speaking tribes of South Siberia. I0124; SVP44; M340431), appears to have carried the rare Y-DNA haplogroup R1b1* (R-L278*). We see styles of artifact and burial that are intrusive (meaning unlike older practices) to the new area, in this case the Hungarian Plain and to a lesser extent the Danube Valley. The international study concludes that the Transeurasian, or Altaic, language family emerged from farmers in the West Liao valley and spread across Asia. People of the neighboringKhvalynsk culturewere less powerfully built. Every significant migration produces a group of returning migrants, and these would have been the people telling the folks back home what they could find over the horizon. When equated with the Earth or the natural world, such goddesses are sometimes referred to asMother Earthor as theEarth Mother. Earth goddesses are often associated with the chthonic deities of theunderworld. Yamnaya culture was a Bronze Age culture that flourished in the steppes of modern-day Ukraine and Russia. Historically, in large city-state societies (such as Egypt or Iraq) starting around 5,000 years ago culminated to make religion something kind of new, a sociocultural-governmental-religious monarchy, where all or at least many of the people of such large city-state societies seem familiar with and committed to the existence of religion as the integrated life identity package of control dynamics with a fixed closed magical doctrine, but this juggernaut integrated religion identity package of Dogmatic-Propaganda certainly did not exist or if developed to an extent it was highly limited in most smaller prehistoric societies as they seem to lack most of the strong control dynamics with a fixed closed magical doctrine (magical beliefs could be at times be added or removed). The Greek word is apistos (a not and pistos faithful,), thus not faithful or faithless because one is unpersuaded and unconvinced by a god(s) claim. Horsemanship appears to have played a key role in the spread of the Yamnaya people. Pre-Animism: Portable Rock Art at least 300,000-year-old, Pre-animism 300,000 years old and animism 100,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism. A 2022 study concludes that Yamnaya ancestry can be modelled as a mixture of an as yet unsampled admixed EHG/CHG population with a second source from the south Caucasus, and rejects Khvalynsk Eneolithic as a source population for the Yamnaya cluster. This allowed for the genomes to be sequenced. At the same time as the rise of the male god, 7,000 years ago, there was also the very time there was the rise of violence, war, and clans to kingdoms, then empires, then states. The Yamnaya culture was a late Copper Age to early Bronze Age archaeological culture of the region between the Southern Bug, Dniester, and Ural rivers (the Pontic steppe), dating to 3300-2600 BC. The isotope distinction between small and large ruminants indicates that either the different domestic animal species were herded on different pastures or that they fed selectively on different plants available in the same habitats. Warring Seima-Turbino groups migrated from Central Asia towards the Urals and further into Eastern Europe. Evidence of this has been provided in studies of the genome and the emergence of the Central and Eastern European Corded Ware Complex in archaeological records, reports Nature Communications . divided into 6 groups: gods, ancestors, souls of the living, spirits of living things, spirits of lifeless objects, and ghosts), , there are various types of tutelary deities, among which. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, Film Footage Provides Intimate View of HMS Gloucester Shipwreck, Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History, The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II), The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I), Bloodthirsty Buddhists: The Sohei Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan, Dizzying Inca Rope Bridges Were Grass-Made Marvels of Engineering, Two Centuries Of Naval Espionage In Europe, Egyptologists Reveal a Lost Chamber in the Great Pyramid With Cosmic Rays, Sacred Marvels: 17 Cathedrals That Will Take Your Breath Away, In Pictures, Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals, What is Shambhala? The candidates put forward for wheel or wagon-related words are nine reconstructed PIE word forms. This emphasis underscores, rather than weakens, the ancestral component., that claim to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the apparent positions of, Different cultures have employed forms of astrology since at least the 2nd millennium BCE, these practices having originated in. KiandNinhursagareMesopotamianearth goddesses. Archaeologists call the people who built these mounds representatives of the. Are the Natufians of Israel around 15,000 to 11,500 years ago who you thought they were? Totemism is needed for supernatural thinking connecting human actions & related to clan/tribe. Show two:Pre-animism 300,000 years old and animism 100,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism, Show tree:Totemism 50,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism, Show four:Shamanism 30,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism, Show five:Paganism 12,000 years old: related to Anarchism and Socialism. Typically for a Neolithic culture, the majority of their diet consisted of, , barley, and hemp, which were probably ground and baked as. The south eastern extent of this migration is currently not known. The Yamnaya are thought to be the ancestors of the Indo-Europeans, who spoke Proto-Indo-European, the ancestor of all Indo-European languages. Goddesses/Demigoddesses/Grandmother-Mother Ancestor Spirits from Catal Huyuk? Freud preferred to emphasize the psychoanalytic implications of the reification of metaphysical forces, but with particular emphasis on its familial nature. Life generating from the corpse or dismembered parts of an originator deity.. Evolutionary model of human pigmentation in three continental populations. At a frequency of >10%, it is also observed in other Afghan ethnic groups and in some populations in the Caucasus and Iran. Indeed, in the final stage of Mikhailovka the evidence of millet increased, suggesting an increasing presence of C4 plants in the vegetation and/or in the diet. The Yamnaya (Pit-grave) culture was succeeded in its western range by the Catacomb culture (28002200BCE or 4,821-4,221 years ago); in the east, by the Poltavka culture (27002100BCE or 4,721-4,121 years ago) at the middle Volga. Damien is interested in:Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality, Ethics, Humanism, Science, Atheism, Antiteism, Antireligionism, Ignosticism, Left-Libertarianism, Anarchism, Socialism, Mutualism, Axiology, Metaphysics, LGBTQI, Philosophy, Advocacy, Activism, Mental Health, Psychology, Archaeology, Social Work, Sexual Rights, Marriage Rights, Womans Rights, Gender Rights, Child Rights, Secular Rights, Race Equality, Ageism/Disability Equality, Etc. This individual is ancestral for both haplogroup R1b1a1 and R1b1a2 and is therefore basal to both the predominantly western Eurasian R-M269 lineage and the mainly non-European R-M73/M478 lineage. The concept of sky father may also be taken to includeSun godswith similar characteristics, such asRa. 43,000-33,000 years old Aurignacian Figurine Marks, like at the Swabian Jura caves in Germany, 41,000-20,000-year-old Upper Paleolithic Tally sticks. Contemporary Western astrology is often associated with systems of, that purport to explain aspects of a persons, and predict significant events in their lives based on the positions of celestial objects; the majority of. Contrary to the frequent erroneous statement made by some authors that Rome has no myth, the Romans possessed a very complex mythological system, parts of which have been preserved through the characteristic Roman tendency to rationalize their myths into historical accounts. With respect to Y-DNA haplogroup, three carried G2a2b2a3, two G2a2a1a, one G2a2a1, G2a2a1a3, C1a, I2a1a2a-L161.1, I2a2a1, and I2c, while mtDNA haplogroup, two J1c2, K1a2, T2b and one H, H15a1, H40, J1c5, K1a1b1, K1b1. This would have given Yamnaya people a significant advantage over other cultures that did not have access to cows milk. Despite the popularity of Greek mythology in western culture, Greek mythology is generally seen as having little importance in comparative mythology due to the heavy influence of Pre-Greek and Near Eastern cultures, which overwhelms what little Indo-European material can be extracted from it. The Ghassulian Star, a mysterious 6,000-year-old mural from Jordan may have connections to the European paganstic kurgan/dolmens phenomenon. That family includes English, Latin and its descendants, Russian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Persian, and dozens of others, spoken by billions of people around the world today. In the past,historians of religionand other students of myth thought of such stories as forms ofprimitiveorearly-stage scienceorreligionand analyzed them in aliteralor logical sense. Around 7,200 years ago spread both European-related dogs into the levant (Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey) and Iranian-related dogs across the Near East. Theskyoften has important religious significance.

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