which of the following statements accurately describes viruses?

In which leaf tissues would you expect to find the highest density of chloroplasts? Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. Which of the following organelles would you expect to be especially abundant in muscle cells? Tests on living animals are more reliable than other tests. a) enter a replicative cycle that does not kill the host cell. b) Viruses can replicate independently of their cellular hosts. - do not damage or kill living organisms by reacting with cellular components to disrupt metabolic functions Which of the following types of organisms are commonly single-celled (unicellular)? Contrast the methods used by the Greek philosophers and Dalton to study the - Though cells have repair mechanisms to restore damaged DNA, there is no safe threshold for exposure to mutagens as the repair process may be flawed. mutations are introduced into the virus. Antibiotics cannot kill a virus because viruses are not living cells with cell walls to puncture, nor do they have their own organelles to replicate DNA. In this paper, static cone penetration test data of a project site are used, and random field theory is . Cell W. - The U.S. EPA estimates that 200 million Americans live in areas where cancer risk from environmental carcinogens is ten times higher than normal. I. - demand protection from every potentially harmful contaminant or accept some exposure as our bodies can repair some damage d. it made plymouth a royal colony - Endocrine disrupters may cause reproductive dysfunction in females. a. b. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) Where is the most likely place that enzymes needed for cellular respiration are anchored and functioning? c. inhibition of MHC class I expression a) III d. extracellular spaces; coating itself with human proteins The heaviest burden of illness is borne by ______. b. C3 Which of the following statements accurately describes plant virus infections? Which statement accurately describes capitalism? Water-soluble types - These substances move widely in the environment and also have ready access to body cells as their solvent is ubiquitous c. The saline you used was hypertonic to the RBCs; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane mostly out of the cell. c. nucleic acids. The measles virus causes nasal and lung infections. d. They cause excessive synthesis and release of cytokines. a. neuraminidase d. The water will not move at all because the water concentrations are isotonic. Proton therapy accurately targets very specific locations, which may result in less damage to surrounding . Question 1. stable chemicals are resistant to degradation and can cause problems long after application and far from the sites where they were originally used. Your lab partner has also made a slide, but the RBCs on their slide do look like the ones in the lab manual; your lab partner used a more dilute solution of saline but the same vial of blood. 15. Many important cellular functions in eukaryotic cells occur within membrane-enclosed organelles, such as cellular respiration occurring within the mitochondria. b. the cytoplasmic tail is truncated b. immune individuals; susceptible individuals - suggests a "better safe than sorry" approach of social responsibility to protect the public from harm in the face of scientific uncertainty 13-29 Severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) describes a condition in which neither _____ nor _____ are functional. Viruses burst (lyse) from host cells and kill the cell; Virus connects to a receptor on the cell's surface; New viruses infect other cells and create more viruses; Virus genomes and protein cotas self-assemble; Re-sequence the steps in teh chart to reflect the correct order of the virus reproduction process. All toxic substances are hazardous, but all hazardous substances are not toxic. - Most organisms tolerate some exposure to a toxin but ultimately the dose gets large enough to kill them. d. A. Gases expand very easily due to a property called compressibility. True or false: Mortality refers to being ill, whereas morbidity refers to dying from a disease. b) Replication of their genomes does not involve proofreading. The project is the solution towards mitigating scams and rugpulls. - Members of a population vary in sensitivity to a toxin. The water will mostly move from side "A" to side "B" because the water concentration is higher on side "A." Job offers for selected candidates will be made the week of May 1, 2023. (Use one word for your answer.). Which of the following statements accurately describes plant virus infections? Probability is a calculation of the statistical danger of a risk, and this information can help us decide which risks to tolerate and which to avoid. 34 Questions Show answers. c. a specialized membrane-bound vesicle; infection of the cell Our 2021 revenue of $139.6 million would have been $118.1 million excluding these clients, and our 2022 revenue without these clients was $126.7 million. c. hereditary angioedema Solubility is important in determining how a substance travels and is absorbed. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria cells. d. I would expect to find the photosynthetic enzymes associated with the ER of the bacteria. The tertiary structure consists of eight beta-strands connected by -helices (known as the globin fold) Hemoglobin is a tetramer composed of two different types of globin subunits, each of which has an O 2 binding site A layer of lipoproteins, glycoproteins, and phospholipids that covers the outer surface of some viruses is the A metabolic poison that specifically attacks nerve cells is a _______________. b. sorts proteins and lipids and sends them to their final destination. c. Most deficiency syndromes are caused by dominant gene defects. Explanation :-:virus are acellular. III. e. They induce suppression of the immune response by causing T cells to undergo apoptosis. a. X-linked agammaglobulinemia d. Pandemics; epidemics. b) copies of the herpesvirus genome remaining as mini-chromosomes in some host cell nuclei This cell is weighed and then placed in a beaker of 3 percent iodine dissolved in water. A white blood cell (WBC) encounters bacteria in a scrape on the knee of a child who has fallen off of his bicycle. c. Epidemics; pandemics b. receptor proteins a. The possibility of suffering harm or loss resulting from a given action is referred to as ______. Because organs such as your skin and liver make frequent repairs, they are also more likely to ______. ______ is a condition that is associated with drinking during pregnancy that results in a cluster of symptoms including craniofacial abnormalities, developmental delays, behavioral problems, and mental defects, which last throughout a child's life. Factor related to the exposure - Dose and frequency of contact with the chemical c. I would expect to find the photosynthetic enzymes associated with the mitochondria of the bacteria. Public policies regarding toxicity are based on the results of ______, and scientists still have the most confidence in this method. Many of these materials can be rendered relatively innocuous by dilution, neutralization, or other physical treatment. a. osmosis Which of the following are true about the effects of exposure to carcinogens? Small fish eat zooplankton A. This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypertonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypotonic. Which of the following statements correctly identify reasons why the debate currently surrounds regulating endocrine disrupters? a. prokaryotic and plant A variety of respiratory diseases in humans can be caused by adenoviruses. d) Double-stranded RNA viruses They are only capable of reproducing once inside a living host cell Viruses are living cells that are lacking the necessary structures to carry out cellular functions. b. Why would hydrophilic substances such as sodium ions (Na+), hydrogen ions (H+), sugars, and amino acids be unable to simply diffuse across a plasma membrane? disability-adjusted life years, which evaluates the total cost of disease, not just how many people die, any abnormal change in body conditions that impairs normal functions. This decision of the FDA was based on ______. .ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS1. is an emerging discipline that seeks to understand how environmental changes threaten our health and the environment itself. Question: Which of the following statements accurately describes a viral envelope? Environmental health policies need to address ______________ because we may be destroying cycles that support human life if we don't protect different types of organisms. POPs, or ______________ _____________ ______________, are dangerous because they don't degrade quickly and cells readily take them up. a. is the site where lipids destined for other cellular compartments are manufactured. Why? Some antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections kill the bacteria by chemically punching holes in the cell wall of the bacteria, by preventing the bacteria from replicating their DNA, or by many other actions that ultimately cause cell death. B.) D. HIV can pass easily from one person to the next through casual contact. . This vesicle is now within the amoeba itself and will soon fuse with other vesicles containing digestive enzymes. d. T-cell receptor V chain. *two answers*, which of the following. a. a virus-encoded Fc receptor ___________________, whereas the reason that gulls, who are tertiary consumers, have about 240 times the concentration of compounds as compared to the small insects sharing the same environment is due to _________________. - dramatically reducing frog populations in many areas 13-8 _____ is a strategy used by herpesviruses where replication and the generation of virus-derived peptides are avoided in order to hide from the immune response. c. processing to peptides is not required for T-cell activation b. the cytosol; escaping from the phagosome Persistence of chemicals can be a concern for health because such ______. True or false: Sick building syndrome refers to symptoms such as headaches, allergies, and chronic fatigue caused by a variety of toxins that build up in poorly ventilated indoor spaces. d) lytic phages Which of the following statements accurately describes plant virus infections? The products are arranged under different categories like . a) enter a replicative cycle that does not kill the host cell. d. MHC class I - The chemical agent is water-soluble. - caused by a fungus that thrives in cool, moist caves where bats hibernate a. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase; HIV Antiviral drugs that have become useful are usually associated with which of the following properties? In this paper, the experimental modes of a large-scale photoelectric theodolite tracking frame are presented. 13-60 Herpes simplex virus favors neurons for latency because of the low level of _____, which reduces the likelihood of killing by CD8 T cells. Determine the intensity level of the infrasound 10 km from the source, assuming the sound energy radiates uniformly in all directions. a. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome caused by deficiency of WASP Dose (amount of experience) - Horizontal (x) axis Additionally, small Na ions and some proteins can pass through the membrane against the concentration gradient, but both require the assistance of active transport proteins. developing countries where many people cannot afford adequate health care or to live in a healthy environment. Factor related to the organism - Immunological status at the time of exposure to the chemical. Q. 5. What are the qualities of PFCs that make them so useful? 13-14 Epstein-Barr virus-infected cells are poor targets for CD8 T-cell killing because _____. a. A. HIV is deadly, but doesn't target key cells in the immune system. d. a ribosome. host cell indefinitely. - Most people will tolerate a higher probability of occurrence of an event if the harm caused by that event is low. e. All of the choices are correct. c. viruses are biotic and bacteria are abiotic . e. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; HIV. b. nuclear envelope. costs may increase significantly to protect the very small number of highly sensitive individuals at the extreme end of the curve. What factors make emergent diseases a special problem? Why do scientists repeat their experiments over and over again? Which of the following statements about chronic and acute exposure and effects are correct? Which of the following describes a virus? To test your knowledge, discuss the following topics with a study partner or in writing, ideally from memory c. All living cells have membrane-enclosed organelles. - Acute exposure involves a single contact with a toxic chemical. Multiple Choice Viruses are typically a piece of genetic material encased in a protein capsule. ______ are chemical agents that damage or alter DNA, which can result in birth defects during fetal development or tumor growth in later life. Each factor listed below plays a role in determining environmental toxicity. b. fall below the CD8 T-cell count I. Expert Answer Answer:- option (d) accurately describe the differences between bacteria and virus. c. Immune responses against S. pneumoniae are serotype-specific and protect only against strains that possess the same capsular polysaccharide antigens. e) Viruses can replicate independently of their cellular hosts. The World Health Organization's definition of health includes ______ wellbeing. What is the most plausible explanation for the appearance of the blood cells on your slide? It may last a few seconds or a few hours. - Different sensitivities among those exposed to the toxins Which of the following statements about the potency (strength) of toxic substances is true? d. stores water, nutrients, and enzymes. 1. This could be best used as a simple model for b. Increased frequency:decreased depth of penetration C. Increased blood flow:greater temperature increase D. Increased water content:increased ultrasound absorption Viruses contain DNA, so they are alive. Developing radiation sickness after exposure to radiation - Acute effect "Approximately 88% of our 2022 revenue came from technology-enabled business solutions. Match the term with its correct definition. Filter the substance to remove all elements smaller than what can be easily seen under a light microscope. Rank the stages in biomagnification of DDT, putting the earliest stage on top. c. diffusion proteins Issues associated with _______________ heath may take up to 15% of the worldwide disease burden by 2020 as conditions such as depression are growing more prevalent in both developed and developing countries. d. the use of antibiotics. Mutable requirements Emergent requirements Consequential requirements Compatibility requirements SCENARIO: Consider an online shopping portal that allows a customer to browse and purchase different products. d. the blueprints for making the product, b. a worker in a factory who places labels on products and then packs them into a shipping box. They readily mix with the hydrophobic tails forming the core of the phospholipid bilayer. The boundary that surrounds the contents of the nucleus is the c. gp41 c. It activates the JAK-STAT signal transduction pathway after binding to its cognate receptor. Eat fewer calories and exercise more - Reduces obesity-related illnesses You are a microbiologist working with a species of bacteria that can perform photosynthesis. c. bacteria and yeast This is an example of Choose ALL that apply. The leading reasons for nonrational risk perception include ______. The measles virus causes mouth and gum infections. b) Formation of the provirus would be stopped. c. TAP1 or TAP2 The solution level on the left side of the figure would rise while the solution level on the right side of the figure would decrease. The pattern of mental and physical defects that can develop in a fetus in association with high levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is called _________________ ______________________ syndrome. d) Reverse transcription would no longer be possible. 120 seconds. d. properdin (factor P) This study was reported . The study of the effects of flammable chemicals on forests, Allergies, headaches, and chronic fatigue due to poorly ventilated indoor spaces contaminated by toxins, such as formaldehyde released from carpeting, furniture, and other building materials can result in ______________ _____________ ______________. a. water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2) This idea is summarized in the statement "the ___________________ makes the poison. Exposure to radiation during an x-ray for a broken foot - Acute exposure Why do scientists classify viruses as non-living? 13-20 Dominant mutant forms of IFNR1 exhibit all of the following in heterozygotes except _____. They are often harmful even in extremely dilute concentrations c. transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) The majority of the SMC is . C) A person with an illness cannot be considered healthy. b. the IL-12 receptor Which of the following is/are part of accepted cell theory? the host cell is turned into a virus. ", lethal dose of a chemical for half of the population. c) use reverse transcriptase to incorporate the virus genome into the host cell DNA. Which of the following important considerations in setting environmental health policy is most often overlooked? c. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase; HIV On a biological level, the main difference is that bacteria are free-living cells that can live inside or outside a body, while viruses are a non-living collection of molecules that need a host to survive. The Sprague-Dawley rat is ______ to endocrine disrupters than ordinary rats, so studies using them are not reliable. b) IV - Endocrine disrupters may cause feminization of males. Match each of the following factors to how it influences whether a particular chemical will prove to be dangerous.

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