san antonio police department detectives

Dillon's investigative stories air weeknights on the Nightbeat and on the Six O'Clock News. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of theTerms and Conditions. He was last seen approaching a white pickup shortly before his death. Pue, contradicting official SAPD records of the incident, said the damage occurred from him pulling on the door from the inside while trying to leave, according to his interview with Nunez. Lucy Adame-Clark, Bexar County ClerkCivil Central Filing Department100 Dolorosa, Suite 104San Antonio, Texas 78205. The victim, later identified as Timothy John Sypher, called 911 to report he had been shot while . Request for public information or records shall be directed to the OpenRecords Unitor thePublic Information Office. A veteran San Antonio Police Department detective has been suspended 20 days after investigators said he dragged a screaming, handcuffed man down the street then refused to provide him medical help. A random white male walked in, had some issues with the vending machine, and took his anger out by stabbing the seven-year-old and her mother before fleeing. During the same conversation, however, Pues wife changed her story and admitted that she had found it on a downstairs recliner. On a Saturday morning, May 10, 1980, a neighbor found Margaret and Keith Conable bound and, More than 21K CPS Energy customers lose power due to storms, Texas bill proposes tax cuts for only straight, married couples, Courtesy of San Antonio Police Department. Reach out at Any felony or Class A misdemeanor convictions. The Ground Transportation Unit is charged with enforcing the requirements of Chapter 33 of the City Code to protect public health, safety and public convenience.