remnant radio theology

. There are NO distinctions in the Body of Christ. What kind of Father lets his beloved son be tortured and killed? We have assurance of our long term future so we can act courageously to respond to situations in the short term. Responding to Allan Parr's Teaching on Isaiah 53:5, Is Andy Stanley Affirming? When Paul wrote to the Hebrews he went to great lengths to teach the Jews that the Law was only a shadow of things to come and that Christ had fulfilled the Law. While those topics are important and interesting, they are only one topic among many that Christians can tend to get into an echo chamber about. It is mainly empty on stage, with a few worship teams to the side. Apparently he had been scooped up along with the other Jews who were targeted for deportation. Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. Christians are told to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, but should we also pray for justice and judgment to befall our enemies? (:15-16) Proposal to Assassinate Ishmael, Then Johanan the son of Kareah spoke secretly to Gedaliah in Mizpah, saying, Let me go and kill Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and not a man will know! Matthew 5:21-26 Dealing with Anger as Related to Murder, Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus Fulfilling the Law Sharpening the Focus . The world looks at the church and sees a people group who have grown up in a religious institution and cannot answer simple questions about their faith. This does not mean that he doubted his own message in 24:4-10. What is conditional prophecy? If the weather is cooperative there are great hikes within an hour drive of Statesville. It is obvious that Nebuchadnezzar had lost all faith in the house of David. We find it strange that Jeremiah is in captivity here in the company of the exiles that are going to be deported to Babylon. The Remnant Radio's Podcast The Remnant Radio One on one evangelism: With Scott McNamara In this Theology Podcast Josh Lewis with "The Remnant Radio" and Scott McNamara from "Jesus at the door" discuss why the church has had such a hard time harvesting in the ministry of evangelism, and how we can remedy that problem. This is a tragic examples of the effects of the normalcy bias. "Today we are looking at passages you won't find illustrated in the precious moments Bible! Furthermore, a politically unstable condition in Judah would cause Nebuchadnezzar to concentrate his attention and troops there, rather than on Ammon. Seven Yellow Flags of a Toxic Leader (Part Two), Identifying Toxic Church Cultures (Part Three), Identifying Toxic Church Cultures (Part Two), Poison in the Pound-cake: Identifying Toxic church cultures. Niggas Sooooo Good 06. This includes various Gospel Presentations and helpful booklets. If it is allowed to operate unchecked in our lives both the gifts of the Spirit and/or Gods warnings of judgment are ignored. [ March 3, 2023 ] Bishop Paprocki, Archbishop Naumann speak out in support of Traditional Latin Mass goers in their dioceses News Briefs The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. Yet there are still lines that stretch throughout the campus with hundreds maybe thousands of people waiting on a touch from God. . $5 / month. We want the best and brightest from every denomination, creed, and background to present their views of the scripture so that we, as a collective body, challenge those views. (Psalm 3:7) Amen! In chapters 37-38, just prior to the fall, Jeremiah is imprisoned for speaking about the coming judgment and claiming Gods way to avoid such destruction was to surrender to Babylon. For he is our peace who has made BOTH ONE and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; for to make in Himself of twain ONE NEW MANthat He might reconcile BOTH unto God, IN ONE BODY by the crossnow we are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God (Ephesians 2:13-19). Facebook: Favorite Books Rowntree's Church Bridgeway Miller's Church Reclamation Church Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off Gospel Of Mark Group Packets Free Ebook Mini E-course & Spirit School Of Ministry (117 Video Discipleship Course) Classroom: Use Promo Code "Remnant" for 10% off Kairos Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off the show, 1950's Healing Revivals: A Review & Honest Assessment, 1950's Healing Revivals: A Review & Honest AssessmentDonate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! This is the punishment that God has decreed for those who disobey him; thats true of your people as a whole, but certainly not of you., 2. But all is not settled and peaceful. to help him get started. Trevor Laurence, Joshua Lewis, and Michael Rowntree discuss the imprecatory psalms and their implications in the Christian Life, their biblical-theological framework, and how they can and should be incorporated in our liturgy and worship.Donate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! So they came to Gedaliah at Mizpah, along with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite, and Jezaniah the son of the Maacathite, both they and their men., B. . The normalcy bias pops up in many areas of our faith. Their houses and businesses were seized. offer the sacrifices of praise continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name (Hebrews 13:15). Constable: Baalis, the Ammonite king, shared Zedekiahs antagonism for Babylon (cf. Wealthy Jewish families kept thinking and hoping that the worst was over Many of the German Jews, brilliant, cultured, and cosmopolitan as they were, were too complacent. Fired from NAR Church: Michael Miller's Story. I have learned so much. II. JOSHUA LEWIS. Should we unhitch sexual morality from the Bible? It is a dangerous thing to believe that just because you have never experienced it means it does not happen. We dont want to create thought bubbles where every guest and viewer nods their head in mindless agreement. Constable: Evidently, after Jeremiahs release in Jerusalem, Babylonian soldiers arrested him when they saw him in the city streets, supposing him to be a regular Judean. The Church was still future when Jesus was on earth for He said, I WILL build my church (Matthew 16:18). Whether you call it, normalcy bias or just good old fashion stick your head in the sand denial. Now, we have been called many things, but boring is not among them. The Veil Nebula in Cygnus is well known. They all died and it was before iPhones and the printing press, so cant be sure. They may be oppressed. Pastors and Teachers From Every Tribe Tongue And Nation, In a book produced by the Barna group titled. Baptist missionaries during the revival experienced or observed divine healings, speaking in tongues, visions etc and other practices that were associated with Pentecostalism. The story is a case of "charismatic Baptists" much earlier than the charismatic stories of the 1960s and following. Yet many Jews Still didnt leave Nazi Germany, because they simply couldnt believe that things would get as bad as they did. The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Benfica Unibelas - WorldPlaces - Angola Hotels near Benfica Unibelas. (:7-8) Regathering of Guerilla Military Units, Now all the commanders of the forces that were in the field, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam over the land and that he had put him in charge of the men, women and children, those of the poorest of the land who had not been exiled to Babylon.. Since then, public confessions and repentance have rotated with worship (of all kinds), proclamation (preaching and testimonies), prayer, and public scripture readings. The hosts seem like good guys and are very knowledgeable about theology. Parunak: Jer hesitates. Jews were arrested, beaten, taxed, robbed, and jailed for no reason other than the fact that they practiced a particular religion. They believed the Nazis anti-Semitism was an episodic event and that Hitlers bark was worse than his bite. Pissy Hastens 02. Because you people sinned against the LORD and did not listen to His voice, therefore this thing has happened to you., This pagan commander seems to have more insight into Gods hand of discipline than the rulers in Judah, Parunak: He reminds Jer of why these Jews are going into captivity: because they have disobeyed the Lord. The Remnant Radio podcast teaches church history, theology, and the gifts of the Spirit. Hughes Auditorium has reached capacity multiple times over the past week, and Estes Chapel across the street at Asbury Theological Seminary has been opened for overflow. I. One on one evangelism: With Scott McNamara In this Theology Podcast Josh Lewis with "The Remnant Radio" and Scott McNamara from "Jesus at the door" discuss why the church has had such a hard time harvesting in the ministry of evangelism, and how we can remedy that problem. In such extremes, the normalcy bias can causes smart people to underestimate the possibility of a disaster and its effects. Nevertheless the Church is made up of Jews and Gentiles in one body where there is. Replacement Theology is Christendom's dominant view concerning Israel and the Church. Even in the midst of Gods providential care, dangers are lurking and wisdom must be exercised to navigate ones course. We want theology to shape us as people, desiring for our lives to be transformed by the power of the Gospel, and striving to be a people ready to make a defense for our faith, in season and out of season. (Psalm 3:7) Amen! 1. This strongly suggests that he is back in chains at his own choice, and he is wavering over whether to accept this offer of freedom. KWR0031 - For Valor - Defending the Faith for Those of Worth. (:1-6) GOD PRESERVES, PROTECTS AND PROVIDES FOR JEREMIAH , NEBUZARADAN ENCOURAGES JEREMIAH TO STAY WITH GEDALIAH IN MIZPAH, A. To denie . Furthermore, Replacement Theology concludes that the nation of Israel no longer exists in the mind of God and the promised kingdom is presently being established in the Church. (:13-14) Plot of Ishmael to Kill Gedaliah Revealed, Now Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were in the field came to Gedaliah at Mizpah and said to him, Are you well aware that Baalis the king of the sons of Ammon has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to take your life?, i. (:11) Recognizing the Opportunity to Remain in Judah, Likewise, also all the Jews who were in Moab and among the sons of Ammon and in Edom and who were in all the other countries, heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant for Judah, and that he had appointed over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan., Then all the Jews returned from all the places to which they had been driven away and came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah at Mizpah, and gathered in wine and summer fruit in great abundance., III. While it involved Presbyterians, Pentecostals, and Baptists, Remnant interviews Dr. Doug Weaver who has a specific focus on the Baptist story. The main lesson is simply this: God will preserve a remnant. Rewind Speed Forward. Typically what remnant means in the Bible is a reference to those who are leftover. For so many Remnant Radio has been a safe space to learn and grow in theology, the gifts of the Spirit, and Church History. Campus revival is taking place at Asbury University. I know, that sounds so positively Puritan! We want theology to shape us as people, desiring for our lives to be transformed by the power of the Gospel, and striving to be a people ready to make a defense for our faith, in season and out of season. (:7-12) GOD PRESERVES, PROTECTS AND PROVIDES FOR A REMNANT IN THE LAND , MILITARY COMMANDERS AND JEWS REGATHER AT MIZPAH UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF GEDALIAH, A. The main lesson is simply this: God will preserve a remnant. The bottom line is such denial places ones experience over the truth of scripture. Universidade de Belas | Educartis A Universidade BELAS-UNIBELAS uma instituio de ensino superior privado, criada luz do Decreto n 25/07 do . It was Ahikams son Gedaliah who was the new governor of the Babylonian province of Judah. (Thompson), In appointing Gedaliah it was apparent that Nebuchadnezzar no longer trusted the men of the House of David. The Remnant Radio is a theology podcast that breaks people out of their theological echo chambers by interviewing pastors, teachers, historians, and theologians from different traditions and denominations. Here are the last four flags. One son, Ahikam, was part of the delegation Josiah sent to the prophetess Huldah (2 Kings 22:12-14). The relationship between Israel and the Church is fundamental to a right understanding of Scripture and there are two major errors. The Remnant Radio Conference will be a time for you to connect with Joshua, Michael, Michael, Dawson, and other like-minded believers pursuing God and His good gifts. This book will serve as a tactical manual for the Body of Christ to learn how to detect and overcome deconstructionism. Dave and Ann Wilson are co-hosts of FamilyLife Today, FamilyLife's nationally-syndicated radio program. Fired from NAR Church: Michael Miller's Story. The Remnant Radio's Podcast. Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. Imprecatory Psalms: Interview with Trevor Laurence, 1950's Healing Revivals: A Review & Honest Assessment, Young Earth Creationism Explained: Interview with Tim Chaffey. Generally, scripture requires us to be watchful, vigilant in prayer, and always open-hearted to Gods leading and exercise clear thinking about the facts of a situation. Here are some options for you. Marayong NSW 2148 He would have been wise to seek the Lords will through Jeremiah and then follow it. The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. Their very existence as a people was in jeopardy. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is the largest of several Adventist groups which arose from the Millerite movement of the 1840s in upstate New York, a phase of the Second Great Awakening. In extreme situations people will do the normal thing rather than the thing that would save their life. GOD ALWAYS PRESERVES, PROTECTS AND PROVIDES FOR HIS PEOPLE. Dec 19, 2016. As a result, it is our chief goal at The Remnant Radio to ensure that we are equipping the church to be able to study so that they can show themselves approved. Thus they divide the Body of Christ and raise a wall of partition between Jew and Gentile believers in these last days. Brought to you by The Remnant Radio, a theology broadcast that exists to educates believers on Theology, History and the Gifts of the Spirit. Shaphan the grandfather was Josiahs secretary and carried the newly found scroll to the king (2 Kings 22:3-13). Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The normalcy bias strikes again. PO Box 4216 When Mt. It is most often a reference to the people of Israel however there are instances where this has been used while . I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain (Galatians 4:9-11). In the fields contrasts with the armies in the city of Jerusalem. Donate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. Why should he take your life, so that all the Jews who are gathered to you would be scattered and the remnant of Judah would perish?, But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam said to Johanan the son of Kareah, Do not do this thing, for you are telling a lie about Ishmael.. Hallelujah! The remains of one of the few historically-observed. Old Testament, Remnant (Theology) -- Biblical teaching, Remnant (Theology) -- History of doctrines, Reste (Thologie) -- Enseignement biblique, Reste (Thologie) -- Histoire des doctrines, Bible O.T Criticism, interpretation, etc, Remnant (Theology) Biblical teaching, Remnant (Theology) History of doctrines Publisher Facebook: Favorite Books Rowntree's Church Bridgeway Miller's Church Reclamation Church Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off Gospel Of Mark Group Packets Free Ebook Mini E-course & Spirit School Of Ministry (117 Video Discipleship Course) Classroom: Use Promo Code "Remnant" for 10% off Kairos Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off the show.

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