hms hood: crew list

Already under construction when the Battle of Jutland occurred in mid-1916, that battle revealed serious flaws in her design despite drastic revisions before she was completed four years later. Crew lists from ships hit by U-boats HMS Lapwing (U 62) British Sloop Photo from Imperial War Museum (IWM), FL-9971 This is a listing of people associated with this ship. Robert Wyllie. Bismarck was temporarily able to evade detection, but was later spotted and sunk on 27 May.[69]. Unlike Tiger, the armour was angled outwards 12 from the waterline to increase its relative thickness in relation to flat-trajectory shells. The decks were made of high-tensile steel. Photos of many of the men who served in Hood, Navy Lists These memorials are dedicated to those who died whilst building and serving aboard Hood. For instance, the never-built G3 battlecruiser was classified as such, although it would have been more of a fast battleship than Hood. The forecastle deck ranged from 1.75 to 2 inches (44 to 51 millimetres) in thickness, while the upper deck was 2 inches (51mm) thick over the magazines and 0.75 inches (19mm) elsewhere. Force H took part in the destruction of the French fleet at Mers-el-Kbir in July 1940. Moreover, Sir Stanley V. Goodall, Director of Naval Construction came forward with an alternative theory, that the Hood had been destroyed by the explosion of her own torpedoes. This theory was ultimately adopted by the board. Although this can be ascertained by tracing his next ship, this is a prohibitively time consuming process. *** Please note that joining this FB page group does not make you a member . List of crew killed in action aboard HMS Prince of Wales on December 10, 1941. [106], As a result of a collision off the coast of Spain on 23 January 1935, one of Hood's propellers struck the bow of Renown. The design was revised after the Battle of Jutland to incorporate heavier armour and all four ships were laid down. ENGINEER Served from 1941 - 1943 Served in HMS Rodney. Organisation of the search was complicated by the presence on board of a documentary team and their film equipment, along with a television journalist who made live news reports via satellite during the search. 24-03-2018. HMS Hood (pennant number 51) was a battlecruiser of the Royal Navy (RN). The Admiral-class battlecruisers were designed in response to the German Mackensen-class battlecruisers, which were reported to be more heavily armed and armoured than the latest British battlecruisers of the Renown and the Courageous classes. [90] The eastern field includes the small piece of the stern that survived the magazine explosion, as well as the surviving section of the bow and some smaller remains such as the propellers. She was also the largest warship afloat when she was commissioned, and retained that distinction for the next 20 years. [43] Her size and powerful armament earned her the nickname of "Mighty Hood" and she came to symbolise the might of the British Empire itself. To compensate for the additional weight, the 4 midships above water torpedo tubes and the armour for the rear torpedo warheads were removed, and the armour for the aft torpedo-control tower was reduced in thickness from 6 to 1.5 inches (38mm). [23], The armour scheme of the Admirals was originally based on that of the battlecruiser Tiger with an 8-inch (203mm) waterline belt. At this point, the order to abandon ship was given. The fact that the bow section separated just forward of 'A' turret is suggestive that a secondary explosion might have occurred in this area. The bell was rung eight times in a commemorative service at midday attended by descendants of crew members who died in the battle before being placed in the museum's exhibit on the Battle of Jutland. Hood was the first of the planned four Admiral-class battlecruisers to be built during the First World War.Already under construction when the Battle of Jutland occurred in mid-1916, that battle revealed serious flaws in her design despite drastic revisions before she was completed four years later. The German ships were spotted by two British heavy cruisers (Norfolk and Suffolk) on 23 May, and Holland's ships intercepted Bismarck and her consort, the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, in the Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland on 24 May. CCY (TCI) Served from 1942 - 1971 Served in HMS Duke Of York. The captains of both ships were court-martialled, as was the squadron commander, Rear Admiral Sidney Bailey. Hood Rolls of Honour Though mighty, the battle cruiser H.M.S. No hits were scored, but the submarine crash-dived and retreated. On 25 September 1939, the Home Fleet sortied into the central North Sea to cover the return of the damaged submarine Spearfish. HMS Repulse was one of two Renown -class battlecruisers built for the Royal Navy during the First World War. The crew in each gunhouse had access to a variety of projectile types. 2616 The Protection of Military Remains Act of 1986 (Designation of Vessels and Controlled Sites) Order 2006", "HMS Hood's bell unveiled at Navy museum Portsmouth", "Conserved HMS Hood bell rings out on 75th anniversary of largest ever Royal Navy loss", "Photos of the Wreck of H.M.S. [32], Construction of Hood began at the John Brown & Company shipyard in Clydebank, Scotland, as yard number 460 on 1 September 1916. [4], The additional armour added during construction increased her draught by about 4 feet (1.2m) at deep load, which reduced her freeboard and made her very wet. Ord. Areas that Mearns felt were more likely to hold the wreck were prioritised, and the side-scan sonar located the battlecruiser in the 39th hour of the search.[89]. [86], In their study of the battleship Bismarck's operational history released in 2019, including its engagement with Hood, Jurens, William Garzke, and Robert O. Dulin Jr. concluded that Hood's destruction was most likely caused by a 380-mm shell from Bismarck that penetrated the deck armour and exploded in the aft 4-inch magazine, igniting its cordite propellant, which in turn ignited the cordite in the adjacent aft 15-inch magazine. During the brief battle, Prince of Wales scored three hits on Bismarck. The principal theories include the following causes: At the second board, expert witnesses suggested that what was observed was the venting, through the engine-room ventilators, of a violentbut not instantaneousexplosion or deflagration in the 4-inch shell magazines. [61], When Bismarck sailed for the Atlantic in May 1941, Hood, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral Lancelot Holland, together with the newly commissioned battleship Prince of Wales, was sent out in pursuit along with several other groups of British capital ships to intercept the German ships before they could break into the Atlantic and attack Allied convoys. The Royal Navy kept no lists of ratings serving in individual ships and, therefore, for ratings any crew list can only be assembled from information relating to individuals. H.M.S. Rapid expansion of the resulting combustion gases from the conflagration then caused structural failure, passing out through the sides of the ship as well as forward and upwards via the engine room vents, expelling the aft main battery turrets and causing the stern to be detached from the rest of the hull at the aft armoured bulkhead. [89] Mearns had spent the previous six years privately researching the fate of Hood with the goal of finding the battlecruiser, and had acquired the support of the Royal Navy, the HMS Hood Association and other veterans groups, and the last living survivor, Ted Briggs. Hood Rolls of Honour Memorials to Men Lost in the Sinking of Hood, 24th May 1941 Updated 07-Mar-2010 This page contains a listing the 1415 men who were lost when Hood was sunk on 24th May, 1941 You can also click below to view a single list of all names Hood Crew List Updated 06-Jun-2022 It is estimated that as many as 18,000 men, perhaps more, served aboard the "Mighty Hood" during the operational portion of her 21 year career. When war with Germany was declared, Hood was operating in the area around Iceland, and she spent the next several months hunting for German commerce raiders and blockade runners between Iceland and the Norwegian Sea. The database remains a "work in progress" and records are added to it at regular intervals. Another "pom-pom" director was added on the rear superstructure, abaft the HACS director in 1938. Writing in 1979, the naval historian, The ship was blown up by her own guns. The Battle of the Denmark Strait was effectively part of the larger Battle of the Atlantic, the conflict fought as Germany tried to isolate Britain from its colonies and allies in hopes of forcing a negotiated peace. HMS Prince of Wales caught a disastrous direct hit to her bridge that forced . A Queen Elizabeth -class battleship, Warspite was completed in 1915 and fought at Jutland the following year. The outbreak of the Second World War made removing her from service near impossible, and as a consequence, she never received the scheduled modernisation afforded to other capital ships such as Renown and several of the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships. Hood was nothing without the many men it took to design, built and operate her. Monthly listings of officers who served in Hood, Admirals & Captains HMS Hood was the last battlecruiser built for the Royal Navy - and was lost while chasing the most infamous battleship of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine - the Bismarck. HMS Hood bore the motto "with favorable winds" and was named after Admiral Sir Samuel Hood, a victorious commander in the Seven Years' War, the American Revolutionary War . The memorials were assembled by blending official records with public casualty listings. [74], Memorials to those who died are spread widely around the UK, and some of the crew are commemorated in different locations. HMS Hood had a crew of 1,419 and was faster than the Bismarck with a maximum speed of 32 RN Northern Ireland - In Remembrance. [90] In 2015, the same team attempted a second recovery operation and Hood's bell was finally retrieved on 7 August 2015. Despite these problems, she had hit Bismarck three times. He joined HMS Copra on the 7th of November 1943 and was lent three times to HMS Dundonald. The exact cause of the loss of Hood remains a subject of debate. As a result, the greater part of the infomation that we have brought together in this database has come from the service records of individual men. The fleet was spotted by the Germans and attacked by aircraft from the KG 26 and KG 30 bomber wings. At 0925 hours, when the Ohio, . Published by at June 13, 2022. It ended peacefully and Hood returned to her home port afterwards. The Hood had been launched in 1918 and was armed with 8 x 15 inch guns, 12 x 5.5 inch guns, 8 x 4 inch AA guns, 24 x 2 pound guns and H.M.S. But, three survivedWilliam Dundass, Bob Tilburn, and Ted Briggs. HMS Hood was the pride of the British fleet and the Bismarck ended her existence. She was the most powerful warship afloat during the interwar. They returned home 10 months later in September 1924, having visited South Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and some smaller colonies and dependencies, and the United States. 20th May 2021, 5:19pm. The Royal Navy were fully aware that the ship's protection flaws still remained, even in her revised design, so Hood was intended for the duties of a battlecruiser and she served in the battlecruiser squadrons through most of her career. H.M.S. [25], The armoured belt consisted of face-hardened Krupp cemented armour (KC), arranged in three strakes. . [93] Bill Jurens points out that there was no magazine of any kind at the location of the break and that the location of the break just forward of the forward transverse armoured bulkhead suggests that the ship's structure failed there as a result of stresses inflicted when the bow was lifted into the vertical position by the sinking stern section. Hood Crew List William Ramshaw HMS Janus (d.23rd Jan 1944) William Ramshaw served on board HMS Janus and died, age 19, on the 23rd January 1944 when his ship was bombed and sunk at Anzio. She displaced 42,670 long tons (43,350t) at load and 46,680 long tons (47,430t) at deep load, over 13,000 long tons (13,210t) more than the older ships. The 4-inch fire-control director lies in the western debris field. Midshipman Dundas and Signalman Briggs, who had been on the compass platform with Admiral Holland and his staff, and AB Tillman who had been closed up on the upper deck. HMS Hood was a massively armed battlecruiser and was considered to be one of the most powerful battlecruisers afloat in World War Two. On May 24, 1941, the fifth salvo of the German battleship Bismarck sank the British battlecruiser HMS Hood. Other surviving relics are items that were removed from the ship prior to her sinking: Two of Hood's 5.5-inch guns were removed during a refit in 1935, and shipped to Ascension Island, where they were installed as a shore battery in 1941, sited on a hill above the port and main settlement, Georgetown,[Note 2] where they remain. It is further supposed that the small debris fields are the fragments from the aft hull where the magazines and turrets were located, since that section of the hull was totally destroyed in the explosion. On paper, Hood retained the same armament and level of protection, while being significantly faster. [34] However, the US continued with their established design direction, the slower, but well-protected, South Dakota-class battleship and the fast and lightly armoured Lexington-class battlecruiser, both of which were later cancelled in accordance with the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. When the Spanish Civil War broke out the following year, Hood was officially assigned to the Mediterranean Fleet until she had to return to Britain in 1939 for an overhaul. Later that year, her crew participated in the Invergordon Mutiny over pay cuts for the sailors. Hood Association Archives and various family sources. King George V and Smaller Vessels of RDF279", "Memorials in Southsea Portsmouth Naval Memorial", "The July 2001 Channel 4 Expedition to Locate and Film the Wrecks of, "Statutory Instrument 2006 No. [47] The battlecruiser squadron visited Lisbon in January 1925 to participate in the Vasco da Gama celebrations before continuing on to the Mediterranean for exercises. Evidence given to the second board indicated that the doors for the 4-inch ammunition supply trunks were closed throughout the action. As completed, Hood had an overall length of 860feet 7inches (262.3m), a maximum beam of 104feet 2inches (31.8m), and a draught of 32 feet (9.8m) at deep load. Hood was straddled during the engagement by Dunkerque; shell splinters wounded two men. HMS Legion sailed aside her to begin evacuating her 1,487 crew as her list got worse progressively, reaching 27 degrees about 13 hours after the hit. The complement of "The Mighty Hood", as. HMS Hood: Crew, History, Status. over 3 years). However, these records are only available for men who joined the Royal Navy before 1931. On 24 May 1941, early in the Battle of the Denmark Strait, Hood was struck by several German shells, exploded, and sank with the loss of all but 3 of her crew of 1,418. [38] Following the loss of three British battlecruisers at the Battle of Jutland, 5,000tons of extra armour and bracing were added to Hood's design. HMS Hood broke in two and sank in a mere matter of minutes. 1,415 members of its crew perished. Their sacrifices were not in vain: Though they were lost, the action in the Denmark Strait did end Bismarck's sortie. Hood Crew Information- H.M.S. The explosion was initiated by 4-inch ammunition stored outside the magazines. A look at the often overlooked members of Hood's crew, Miscellaneous Crew Photos HMS Hood was the pride of the Royal Navy. Victor White trained at HMS Royal Arthur as an Ordinary Telegrapher from 20/07/1943 to 12/08/1943. Furthermore, a section of the bow immediately forward of 'A' turret is missing, which has led historian and former Dartmouth lecturer Eric J. Grove and expedition leader David Mearns to believe that "either just before or just after leaving the surface, the bow suffered massive internal damage from an internal explosion",[85] possibly a partial detonation of the forward 15-inch magazines. [48], Hood was given a major refit from 1 May 1929 to 10 March 1931, and afterwards resumed her role as flagship of the battlecruiser squadron under the command of Captain Julian Patterson. They were supplemented by two additional control positions in the fore-top, which were provided with 9-foot (2.7m) rangefinders, fitted in 19241925. We also have a detailed page on the British Sloop HMS Lapwing (U 62). The men lost in the sinking are not the only ones who died whilst serving in Hood: It is known that nearly 40 men, possibly more, died whilst building or assigned to Hood between 1916 and her loss in May 1941. Such a shell could only have come from. The results of Hood's fire are not known exactly, but she damaged the French battleshipDunkerque, which was hit by four fifteen-inch shells and was forced to beach herself. The catapult and crane were removed in 1932, along with the flying-off platform on 'B' turret. Her secondary and antiaircraft fire-control directors were rearranged during another quick refit between 1 August and 5 September 1934. to P.O. As a battlecruiser, Hood was similar in size and had the offensive capability of. May 24th marks the loss of the battlecruiser HMS Hood and 1415 of her crew. The hit split the ship in two and it sank in three minutes! [40] In addition, she was grossly overweight compared to her original design, making her a wet ship with a highly stressed structure. Armed Merchant Cruisers such as HMS Jervis Bay, were made up of various naval forces, and although she was a British ship, her crew were not all British, with some from the Commonwealth countries around the world. H.M.S. Hood Rolls of Honour Updated 01-Jan-2020 These memorials are dedicated to those who died whilst building and serving aboard Hood. We work with our members around the world in remembering the Mighty Hood and all those who sailed in her. [65] A shell from this salvo appears to have hit the spotting top, as the boat deck was showered with body parts and debris.

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