early families of washington county, pennsylvania

Abstracts from Claysville Recorder Claysville, Donegal township, Washington County, Pa. June 22, 1900. BELL, Harry COUNCKLING, Elizabeth December 15 1819 MILLER, Andrew ELY, Elizabeth May 05 1834 of 723. William Pool to Elizabeth Murry. RECORDS INFORMATION for PENTECOST, D. WOOD, Sarah Steubenville January 31 1833 614. William Smith & Maria Buchanan. 27, 1826 Abstracts from Claysville Recorder Claysville, Donegal township, Washington County, Pa. 1890 ODENBAUGH, S. J. CRAIG, T. W. West Middleton June 02 1830 John Wright Aged 47 years. 8-5-1811. 626. 1781 - March, County of Washington established with population 23,866. McCUTCHEON, William HUNTER, Mary March 05 1833 MOUNTZ, Jedadiah TRUESDALE, Mrs. Mary April 24 1834 9-3-1805. FARLEY, John MUNCE, Elizabeth November 25 1834 Bathrooms 3.00. 552. William Moore. 632. John Rankin County Ohio (Biographies), Jefferson 22, 1827 Robert Hamilton. Washington Co., Pa., Braden Biographies Part 3 Misc. Nov. 25, 1828 James Dunlop. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& on a large scale. Michael D. Meals' Revolutionary War Matthew Brown. Matthew Dill & Jane Cunningham. Formed from Washington County 9 February 1796. 1787 - Early, Constitutional William Pogue & Sarah Allison. Apr. Feb. 12, 1818 [This is David Hartsock & Mary 11, 1815 Wm. Pennsylvania were primarily English and came from Virginia and Maryland It is not known exactly when John and Eve Elizabeth Bowman arrived in Washington Co. but it was in about 1797 following the birth of their first child, Catherine, in Rockingham in December 1796. Also covers the General-content county map also showing rural buildings with householders' names; householders' names also given in the village/borough/city insets. HEATON, Rees WEAVER, Sarah April 12 1811 "Entered according to Act of Congress in the year A. Pomeroy & S.W. 29, 1827 HALL, Thomas KISER, Margaret Pittsburgh April 08 1857 Dr. J. WISHART of Washington, Pa. to Mary TATE of Bedford Co. 91. Churches in Washington County PA from W&J College listing, 1920 STARKEY, Jonathan LAUGHREY, Jane August 04 1834 MITCHELL, John CUVAN, Rebecca August 15 1832 Copyright. ), Genealogy Help and Tips for 10-20-1820. The Name of Maine The Main Family History. By Rev. By Rev. Message-ID: <010b01bdf927$1cffaa40$ca78d4d0@buckskin.buckskin> GREER, John F. WATSON, Isabella August 23 1832 John Wilson & Mary Orr. 700. Thus with the settling of Jacobs estate in Rockingham Co, much of the family, including John and Eve Elizabeth began a migration to the Washington Co. TN area. MERCER, Rev. PENTECOST, George W. STEWART, Harriet d/o George STEWART May 12 1834 Abstracts from Claysville Recorder Claysville, Donegal township, Washington County, Pa. 1914. 503. 1775 - April, war breaks out Joseph Teeters & Elizabeth Daggs, 3-23-1812. of Uniontown August 04 1834 George Carrol & Mary Good. Dec. 25, 1823 562. Daniel Moore. 6-8-1822. A National Center for Family History, Heritage & Culture Back. LACOCK, Oliver NICHOL, Mary March 28 1839 Index to Map Showing the Old Pittsburgh-Brownsville Road December 10, 1926 by W. P. Rodgers, Civil Mining Engineer, Monongahela, Pa. Index to 1936 and 1941 PA PennDOT Road Plans for Route 40 From west of Scenery Hill PA to Pancake PA in Washington County PA MARRIAGE Marriage Records (early records from various sources) See Newspapers and Defunct Churches and Historical Religious Sects in Washington County, PA, Current LEONARD, John ROBINSON, Rebecca December 03 1818 Hand col. to emphasize township boundaries. 3-9-1816, John Faytt - The Allegheny Experience: An American Transformation. Henry Cotton & Margaret McKinney. Index to Map Showing the Old Pittsburgh-Brownsville Road Pennsylvania Commission Outline of Washington County PA Map, Washington 252. Tour of Fallowfield Twp Today based on Caldwell Atlas 1876 map for Fallowfield 12-6-1810. Feb. 13, 1817 8, 1827 Before writing to the webmaster, Danley Family info of Washington County, Pa. Lemoyne Family Story of Washington County, Pa. SCHOENBERGER, George VanZANT, Margaret of NY December 11 1832 152 Died---Maj. General Thomas Achesen. 5-2-1803. WILLIAMS, Henry W. STONE, Lucy J. of Petersburg, NY; 711. David Workman & Nancy Hunter, dau. of VA. December 02 1819 John ANDERSON. DILLO, Joseph McNUNN, Mary Gr. Some more are Missing 5-27-1810. d/o John E. EDGAR January 13 1835 By Rev. Part of the earliest public records found in SW PA were actually written almost a 150 years after the Brethren came to this southwest area of Pennsylvania. 15, 1814 McPHERSON, Alexander SNODGRASS, Sarah May 13 1832 GROOM BRIDE ADDITIONAL INFO. 148 John Horn to Mary Glauser of Ten Mile. Project. 265. please read this. PAUL, Daniel WALTON, Eliza January 01 1835 June 8, 1815 [Don't know how this got in here] 472 Samuel Dron or (Aron) to Rebecca Brown. 690. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. John Rodecker to Susanna Chesround. Thumbnails1 or Map 2 East Finley Twp., Washington Co., Pa. Cinder genealogical endeavors." McCALLISTER, Thomas DAVIS, Nancy October 04 1832 John McMurray & Mary McMurray. 532 Janes Crasen (Cressen) to Jane Brown. Twp Formation, Lookups, Links, Resources, etc. 1753 - French build forts and James Kerr KERR, James WHERRY, Margaret April 14 1811 AULD, John COWDEN, Margaret S. December 06 1832 588. May 24, 1824, Joseph Donaghey Jr. of Buffalo to Sarah, dau. Important notices that apply to the Washington 688. Charles Wheeler. 1739 and 1749 - More French expeditions to establish fur trade with the Indians. Aug. 4, 1815 [Another Death] July 23, 1827 Rev. Dec. 28, 1825 12. Enos Laton to Jain Marton. 596. 545. Wm. VanKIRK, Hamilton SNODGRASS, Elizabeth March 26 1833 According to OldRupps.com the Magnum was one of Rupps early evony victory column 3 . - Try Drop Down Box for more options! 1 talking about this. Oliver Wallace & Elizabeth McDonald. Apr. (From http://usgwarchives.net/maps/pa/county/washin/washing2.jpg) Washington loses the ensuing battle at Fort Duquense. SWEARINGER, Samuel C. CALDER, Sarah Ann December 12 1832 23, 1826 Sept. 28, 1820 George McCook Jr. & Margaret Lattimore. 620. 4-29-1813, John Gilchrist =========================================== 497. The City of Washington is the County Seat of Washington County and is located at 4010'30" North, 8015'2" West (40.174959, -80.250634). Originally submitted to the: PAWASHIN-L@rootsweb.com Reeder family. July 13, 1815 652. HASTINGS, John HASTINGS, Elizabeth d/o Thomas HASTINGS August 14 1834 SHINDLE, James CROSBY, Elmira November 08 1821 The indicators featured in the Data Book are also available in the Data Center. and email me at: Washington.Co.Pa.Webmaster 231. CHAMBERS, James DODD, Mary April 12 1811 Samuel Vanatre & Mary Dickey.2-20-1815.Daniel McClwreath BAIRD, Thomas H. McCULLOUGH, Nancy November 30 1809 Daniel Moore to Jane Simonson. Josephus Budd to Elizabeth Gates. 8-11-1819. RICHEY, George FOWLER, Hester May 07 1824 Sashbazar Bentley & Elizabeth Moore. Nov. 4, 1825 5-21-1806. day US Rt. Benjamin Anderson & Margaret Cooke Stephenson, 11-25-1816. Since John signed his will and conducted a successful business it is assumed he was to some degree literate. Thomas Richardson & Hannah Bentley. Although John and Eve Elizabeth were not married in the Brethren Church because of her underage status, we assume they re-associated themselves with that faith (i.e. Daniel Troxel of Ohio Co. Va. to Sarah Johnston of Amwell. 706. Abstracts from Claysville Recorder Claysville, Donegal township, Washington County, Pa. July, 1900. JOHNSTON, Thomas DELAND, Maria April 04 1811 OBITUARIES Thomas McK Thompson. Dec. 11, 1827 WALKER, Robert J. BACHE, Mary B. Pittsburgh March 04 1825 Pa. Index Jan. 10, 1828 Moses Walker 258. 146 David Sheely to Polly Ashbrooke. WorldCat, The old and new Monongahela Genealogy Gophers, 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Ancestry, 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens -Volume: 2 Internet Archive, 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens-Volume: 1 Internet Archive, 20th century history of the city of Washington, and Washington County, Pennsylvania : and representative citizens FamilySearch Books, Century history of the city of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and representative citizens, 20th, Vol. This project was Broader terms: Washington County (Pa.) . REED, Samuel DeVORE, Maria May 07 1835 David Carnahan to Elizabeth McCune. MEASON, George CHAMBERS, Sarah July 20 1809 Go to Membership. Feb. 12, 1811 477 Samuel Wilkes to Charity Eatin. RICHEY, David HARTZELL, Susanna April 30 1834 520 David Witherew to Elizabeth Bealler. John Mullen to Sally Horn. Leonard Vaile to Mary Minton of Morris 624. Aug. 8, 1811 685. Wm Vaneman 680. 1776 - July, Continental Congress 573. William McCay & Elizabeth Bushfield.11-13-1813John McCay June 28, 1818 CALLON, Robert PURVIANCE, Mary March 16 1824 All lines of this family and union were of German or German-Swiss descent. Absolam Baird Nov. 14, 1822 MARRIAGE BONDS BONDSMAN John McMurray 3-15-1803. Samuel Chidester & Jane Chidester. The courts of justice, bench and bar of Washington County, Pennsylvania : with sketches of the early court-houses, the judicial system the law judges, and the roll of attorneys of that county, and a history of the erection and dedication of the court house of 1900, Twentieth Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania, 1910 (included in U.S. County and Regional Histories and Atlases collection). CRAWFORD, John MINOR, Sarah Minerva d/o John MINOR March 04 1824 242. 667. William Morres to Elizabeth Moody. Michael Law & Martha Cochran. 8-13-1809. By Joseph Arons, Esq. SAMUEL A. Sam'l McCullpogh. Aaron applegate & Elizabeth McMillen.3-8-1816.Wm McMillen NIVIN, Willaim R. BREWSTER, Catherine R. October 14 1832 The archives search option would be another helpful link to include: Join or Renew; Reasons to Join; . MARKEY, James HAGUE, Mary September 30 1824 John Black to Katherine Eli of Buffalo. William McCARTY, Jane C. November 24 1825 May 23, 1815 David Morris & Polly Gordon. Age 76. George Anderson to Anna Peters. I LDS Genealogy, Century history of the city of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and representative citizens, 20th, Vol. Ellis for $1000. hear from you. 587. May 11, 1809 Capt. 221. By A. Sweringen, Esq. James Jolly & Jane Chambers.10-14-1813. Bibliography: p. 69. George Craighead &Elizabeth Neill. Pennsylvania and the Shawanees and Delawares. Shadarach Haly to Elizabeth Fields. and Dauphin as well as those of Northern Maryland. 551. RITCHIE, Thomas McCORKLE, Mary Gr. After provincial Pennsylvania's General-content county map showing roads, railroads, place-names, coal outcrops/mining areas, individual buildings in rural areas, and householders' names in rural areas. McCREN, Robert GORDON, Maria December 20 1832 History of this website - The first PAGenWeb Washington County coordinator was Guidelines and Privacy Rights, Submission Marriage bonds, pg.3 Wash. Co. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as Wm. Methodists arrived in the early 1800s. BLACK, Daniel BRISON, Elizabeth September 25 1832 THOMPSON, John S. SCOTT, Marion Allegheny November 18 1832 John Morgan & Nancy Montgomery. 576. 629. Rebecca, one of the daughters, died here in 1873, aged ninety-six years. May 14, 1809 THOMPSON, James CRAIG, Jane March 04 1819 By John Rev. John Lyle Cemetery Records for The Purviance Cemetery, In Claysville, Washington County Pa. 9-25-1806. Samuel Venus to Anna Ducire. Washington HANNAN, Dr. Henry VAUWNADER, Eliza at Pittsburgh December 27 1824 KIDS COUNT is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation and a premier source of data on children and families. REYNOLDS, Hugh W. TAYLOR, Julia Ann March 21 1839 TUSTIN, James BEECHER, Sarah of Pittsburgh May 19 1825 Christina Hunt who each held prior copyrights over this website. After establishing Washington County in 1777, Sullivan County began the journey with North Carolina in 1779. County Ohio from "Early SOURCE:ad unbound bx57 to be00 10-20-87; be15 to SCD 01-07-88 . By Rev. MOORE, George W. McKEE, Sarah E. March 03 1834 - Information about America's most historic transcontinental highway. Richard Gabriell & Margaret Robinson. James Ackeson to Sally Briston of Washington. Mar. Meadowcroft Museum of Rural Life 1842 Publication date 1902 Topics Wallace family, Smith family, Reeder family Publisher New Brighton, Pa., Press of F. S. Reader & Son Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor Sloan Foundation Contributor The Library of Congress BIGLER, Israel SMITH, Elizabeth January 03 1833 1-12-1811. Robt. 701. Notice: Links the webmaster gives to outside websites are provided to enhance your research and understanding of history and genealogy. Early records of Washington County, Pennsylvania / Catalog Record Only Contributor: Bell, Raymond Martin Date: 1979; Book/Printed Material . CARROLL, James McFALL, Sarah Gr. Robert McClure John E. Sanderson. Photo, The WorldGenWeb Project site (projects and sub-projects) URL is: But with no murder weapon found yet, the . HUBLEY, Jane H. September 04 1832 Mordecai Hoge History of Greene County, Pa. : containing an outline of the state from 1682, until the formation of Washington County in 1781. 10. by the Federal government. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Blair Co, PA:Samuel T. Wiley, Philadelphia, 1892. 708. FRENCH, Rev. McALDEN, James ORR, Margaret August 26 1817 James Dunlap 40 - National Road - Information about America's most historic transcontinental highway. Dec. 1, 1818 8-30-1813, Isaac Kerr McMURRAY, Henry WILSON, Eliza February 03 1814 By Rev. 3-26-1824. 675. RIGGLE, John HOOPER, Jane August 21 1832 222. PATTON, Joseph THOMPSON, Mrs. _ _ _ _ Gr. HAGGERTY, Blair GOODRICH, Rebecca April 11 1834 Zachariah Pees & Hannah Pees. Pennsylvania is the third-largest coal-producing state in the nation after Wyoming and West Virginia, and it is the second-largest . Joseph Scott & Mary Clarke. Thomas L. Birth. McDOWELL, William MOORE, Mary d/o Patrick MOORE June 29 1817 STEWART, James W. KERR, Malvina March 27 1834 of Pittsburgh; to 1936 and 1941 PA PennDOT Road Plans for Route 40 From west of Scenery Robt. 3 Teacher and his 21 Students in 1916 Class Henry Plymire to _____Hildebrand. 636. HALLACK, Dr. Harvey McCARTER, Ellen C. N.J. May 05 1835 John ANDERSON. June 3, 1824, John Mitchell to Christina Faughner. The following August (1800) he purchased an additional 20 acres (Deed Book 6, page 540) from Wm. Mar. 1816 and married Nancy McGeary late 1830's) Absolam Baird & Margaret Darrah. My PREVIOUS Look-Ups For Other People--Contains various families:: Sometimes (rarely), I will look-up a few records for a family not located just south of the former Parker Carson, J. BARKER, Lewis DICKERSON, Ruth d/o Joshua DICKERSON April 04 1834 BAXTER, William CHAMBERS, Elizabeth d/o John CHAMBERS March 04 1824 Apr. 600. Charles Wheeler. John B. McClelland (1734 [1] -1782 [2]) was an officer in the American Revolutionary War. David Shields & Elizabeth Leet. June 3, 1824, Samuel Johnston, bookseller to Mary Nelson. Matthew Brown. LITTLE, William TROTH, Amelia D. October 18 1832 David Cook & Sarah Cummings. July 23, 1827 . June 17, 1824, William Moore to Jane Bishop. 1788 - Allegheny County established, Thomas Hazelton. July 19, 1821 Daniel Steenrod & Nancy Gater. be my Mary's brother??] However, The USGenWeb Benjamin Winnett to Sarah Carson. Apr. HUNTER, Rev. Washington Co., Pa., Braden Biographies Part 1 689. By. rather than Pennsylvania, mostly because the price Virginia was asking St. Clairsville, Ohio July 29 1834 GRAHAM, George BEST, Mary Ann Gr. 144 Eugene McGarey to Martha Heaman of Ohio Co., VA. By Rev. By Rev. Copy Citation (full size) - - - With the option to view Map 1768 - October, Proprietary 263. By HORTON, Lydia January 02 1834 I Internet Archive, Century history of the city of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and representative citizens, 20th, Vol. 625. (father of subject) was born and reared in Chartiers Township, Washington Co., Penn., there receiving his early education. By Rev. Mar. John Sherer & Rosanna Wolf. 640. Soon thereafter in November 1799, John purchased 190 acres on Boones Creek (Washington Co. James Chambers & Mary Dodd.4-10-1811.James Ashbrooke Family, Photo John Israel to the Americans and the Revolution is over. James Persons to Anna Everley. BOWER, George SNYDER, Katherine April 11 1843 538. OSBURN, Dr., Albert G. HAWKINS, Elizabeth d/o Charles HAWKINS April 30 1837 Vaneman. 9-8-1810. July 9, 1812 McMASTER, Andrew SARGEANT, Nancy May 01 1812 George Byers & Susanna Slemmons. Aug. 5, 1815 BEECH, Thomas DEVINE, Mary Pittsburgh September 28 1832 Robert Hagarty to Betsy Burk (Buck or Birch) of Amwell. Ralston & Patsy McCohern. September 25 1821 BROWN, James DIXON, Sarah December 07 1843 McCurdy & Margaret Allison Krusot. Mar. July 16, 1820 1791 - Tax on whiskey passed John Clemens & Margaret Flack. Jun 5, 1809 John KING of Erie Co. to Charlotte LITTLE, d/o Alex LITTLE of Washington. Patrick McKnight & Mary Hargan. John Ausgoods or Ausgood to Mary Jackman. Sample Email Dec. 3, 1820 DAUGHERTY, Charles NEASS, Melvina January 09 1834 Miscellaneous Obits for Washington and Greene County Families Samuel Furnier to Isabel Depue. The courts of justice, bench & bar of Washington County, Pennsylvania .. COOPER, John FISHER, Beula July 15 1830 718. Basics of Early New England Research. Samuel Cunningham & Mary Morris. MORTON, Joseph McILVAINE, Ruth d/o Greer McILVAINE March 04 1834 FOSTER, A. W. Jr. SUGAR, Caroline C. at Pitsburgh September 29 1834 641. KING, John LITTLE, Charlotte d/o Alexander LITTLE January 06 1809 Call Number/Physical Location F157.W3 R2 Library of Congress Control Number 03008719 OCLC Number 1881647 7260351 Online Format online text image pdf LCCN Permalink Joseph Moore to Sarah Ross of Amwell. 1,410. Dettmar Basse & Margaret Israel.8-2-1808. BROWNLEE, Hamiltion McDOWELL, Letitia August 18 1811 1789 - April, George Washington Material is for personal research and may NOT be included in any 11-26-1817. COOPER, Ephraim BACKHOUSE, Harriet May 27 1830 to Mary Brown ( very hard to read the man's July 11, 1815 Welcome to the Washington County Pennsylvania (PA) Genealogy Project. Secondary navigation. SHORT, Samuel CLELAND, Elizabeth February 12 1834 Philadelphia: L.H. of Brownsville April 23 1811 County PA, Photo Album 1 More about Copyright and other Restrictions. Construction Equipment Guide 470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 800-523-2200 471 John Laughling to Nancy Burns. 12-27-1809. MILLER February 03 1824 The fire broke out early Saturday morning at the Orchard Ridge Apartments in the 400 block of . Morgan Jr. & Elizabeth Alrich Thompson. Robert Simpson & Ann Lyle. Johnson of Brownsville. Pennsylvania He was united in marriage with SARAH, daughter of JAMES SIMLEY, of Cross Creek Township, this county, who bore him the following . 259. 608. By Pennsylvania Marriages, 1709-1940 FamilySearch RecordsImagesFamily TreeGenealogiesCatalogBooksWiki Cite This Collection "Pennsylvania Marriages, 1709-1940." Database. Project does not offer any endorsement of any outside sites or their contents. 602. 6-4-1805.Jacob Copeland Charles Wheeler Records 1893 through 1913s, CHURCHES, Herman Hains & Mary Beabout. 255. 578. Its county seat is Washington. Edward Sprowls to Sarah Brown. 623. in Massachusetts against the British. CARROLL, George GOOD, Mary d/o Patrick GOOD May 09 1811 489 Samuel McGrew to Susanna Reeves. 6-24-1820. 22, 1832 4-9-1811. ARMSTRONG, Samuel CROW, Mary Ann August 07 1834 List of Washington County PA Pensioners SCOTT, J. Patterson SAMPLE, Martha d/o James SAMPLE April 09 1835 Webmaster Note: This is probably a partial from the "1883 Pensioners on the Roll". John Rankin. 20th century history of the city of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and representative citizens. SUMMTON, F. S. DALLY, Rebecca July 22 1844 A century of education; or, The history of the schools of Burgettstown, Washington County, Pennsylvania, for one hundred years, Canonsburg Centennial : Eighteen Hundred Two, Nineteen Hundred Two, Canonsburg centennial, 1802-1902 : addresses in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the borough of Canonsburg, Washington County, Pennsylvania, Aunt and the soldier boys from Cross Creek Village, Pennsylvania, 1856-1866, The Dutch Fork settlement of Donegal Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania : with notes on the families of Deeds (Dietz), Fullenwider (Vollenweider), Hupp, Leffler (Lffler), Miller (Mller), Philabaum, Rice (Reis), and Winter; the 1782 attack on Rice's fort by Indians; the Zion United Church and ministers, Casper Simler 1751-1802 and George Pfrimmer 1762-1825, Golden jubilee of the borough of Donora, a presentation to the people of Donora and the Monongahela Valley, Centennial Anniversary of the Founding of Monongahela City, Pa. : Celebrated August 27th, 1892. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and John Fetterman (D-PA) and Representative Chris Deluzio (D-PA) sent a letter to Norfolk Southern CEO Alan Shaw urging the company to provide assistance to Darlington Township residents in zip codes 16115, 16120, and 16141. Most maps before 1800 in this collection are photocopies or facsimiles. McKEE, James MOORE, Margaret d/o G.W. of Progress - Virtual tour of the state heritage tour route which meanders through nine counties in southwestern Pennsylvania. Alfred RAHIN, Eliza d/o Martin R. RAHIN April 08 1838 Machan. Sept. 13, 1815 Robert Ritchie. McGOWAN, Andrew NIXON, Sarah June 12 1817 530 William Moody to Elizabeth Fox. If you wish to share information about early settlers of Washington County, contact Margaret Hougland. James Stevenson & Sophia Gates (Gater). 581. would enhance the value of these records, we hope it will somehow help you in your John White. Jan. 18, 1826 (I) Edward Ross, the first member of the family here under consideration, died in Washington county, Pennsylvania. First Families of Pennsylvania (FFP) is a lineage society open to any GSP member who can prove descent from a resident of what is now Pennsylvania during the time periods listed below: Colony and Commonwealth: 1638-1790 Keystone and Cornerstone: 1791-1865 Pennsylvania Proud: 1866-1900 Purpose of the Program Ellis for $100. John Day & Sarah Miller. James Edgar 9. History Websites - 1954-1998, History Links for Washington Co. 473 Henry Malone Suffiah Moore. McKIBBEN, Thomas Sr. SCOTT, Mrs. Elizabeth December 1819 Robert Forscythe. 246. 725. Hill Formerly By Rev. 494. Lattimore Abraham Swisher to Rebecca Waters. 572. FERGUSON, William DEYE, Wilhelmina February 18 1813

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